Aprendizajes en los prestadores de servicios rurales del proyecto nutrición en agroecosistemas de montaña
Abad Santana, Francisco Javier
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La investigación describe el proceso de desarrollo de capacidades realizado por un grupo de prestadores de servicio que laboran vinculados al sector rural en la zona del alto andino del Perú. Basados en el principio del proyecto “nutrition sensitive” se buscó que un grupo de 25 personas amplié sus capacidades y mejorar su intervención en los diferentes espacios donde desarrollan sus actividades laborales. Para describir y caracterizar el proceso se trabajó con 22 de los 25 participantes, buscando una reconstrucción en el proceso de su transitar. Se usó como herramienta la línea de tiempo, con lo que se reconoció lo que se aprendió, compartió, cambió, los compromisos y las dificultades que surgieron en el proceso de desarrollo de capacidades ocurrido por aproximadamente dos años. Se destacó y reconoció el valioso aporte de diversos actores, los fueron fundamentales para el proceso de aprendizaje y colaboraron para insertar el conocimiento en cada uno de sus territorios. Se destacaron los temas de producción agroecológica, nutrición y soberanía alimentaria. Se usó encuestas como la herramienta para registrar la información y medir el nivel de aprendizaje y empoderamiento de los conocimientos adquiridos durante el proceso. El análisis de los resultados de esta investigación fue comparado con otros procesos exitosos como las Escuelas Campesinas Agrícolas (ECAs) y Campesino a Campesino (CAC), lo que permitió visibilizar los puntos en común, debilidades y fortalezas, para hacer un replanteamiento de la intervención en el sector rural. Al finalizar el estudio, se observa que los participantes mejoraron sus conocimientos en nutrición, lo que incide directamente en la manera de plantear sus intervenciones en el territorio. Además, los nuevos conocimientos generaron un cambio positivo tanto a nivel personal, como en los núcleos familiares de cada uno de los prestadores de servicios rurales, incrementando el uso de productos agrícolas locales a sus dietas alimenticias diarias. La importancia del enfoque nutrition sensitive era nuevo para este grupo de personas, quienes consideran su funcionalidad en los diversos trabajos que realizan en sus territorios, dando validez e importancia al proceso de desarrollo de capacidades y al enfoque empleado.
The research describes the process of capacity development carried out by a group of service providers, who currently work with strong links to the rural sector in the high Andean area of Perú. Based on the principle of the “nutrition sensitive” project, it was sought that a group of 25 people expand their capacities and improve their intervention in the different spaces where they carry out their work activities. To describe and characterize the process, we worked with 22 of the 25 participants, looking for a reconstruction in the process of their journey. The timeline was used as a tool, which recognized what was learned, shared, changed, the commitments and the difficulties that arose in the capacity development process that occurred for approximately two years. The valuable contribution of various participants and stakeholders was highlighted and recognized, they were fundamental to the learning process and they collaborated to insert knowledge in each of their territories, the themes of agroecological production, nutrition and food sovereignty were highlighted. Surveys were used as the tool to record information and measure the level of learning and empowerment of knowledge acquired during the process. The analysis of the results of this research was compared with other successful processes such as Agricultural Farming Schools (AFS) and Farmer to Farmer (F to F) “Campesino a Campesino”, which made it possible to make visible the common points, weaknesses and strengths, to rethink the intervention in the rural sector. At the end of the study, it is observed that the participants improved their knowledge in nutrition, which directly affects the way of presenting their interventions in the territory. In addition, that the new knowledge generated a positive change both at a personal level and in the family nuclei of each of the rural service providers, increasing the use of local agricultural products to their daily diets. The importance of the nutrition sensitive approach was new for this group of people, who consider its functionality in the various work they do in their territories, giving validity and importance to the capacity development process and the chosen approach.
The research describes the process of capacity development carried out by a group of service providers, who currently work with strong links to the rural sector in the high Andean area of Perú. Based on the principle of the “nutrition sensitive” project, it was sought that a group of 25 people expand their capacities and improve their intervention in the different spaces where they carry out their work activities. To describe and characterize the process, we worked with 22 of the 25 participants, looking for a reconstruction in the process of their journey. The timeline was used as a tool, which recognized what was learned, shared, changed, the commitments and the difficulties that arose in the capacity development process that occurred for approximately two years. The valuable contribution of various participants and stakeholders was highlighted and recognized, they were fundamental to the learning process and they collaborated to insert knowledge in each of their territories, the themes of agroecological production, nutrition and food sovereignty were highlighted. Surveys were used as the tool to record information and measure the level of learning and empowerment of knowledge acquired during the process. The analysis of the results of this research was compared with other successful processes such as Agricultural Farming Schools (AFS) and Farmer to Farmer (F to F) “Campesino a Campesino”, which made it possible to make visible the common points, weaknesses and strengths, to rethink the intervention in the rural sector. At the end of the study, it is observed that the participants improved their knowledge in nutrition, which directly affects the way of presenting their interventions in the territory. In addition, that the new knowledge generated a positive change both at a personal level and in the family nuclei of each of the rural service providers, increasing the use of local agricultural products to their daily diets. The importance of the nutrition sensitive approach was new for this group of people, who consider its functionality in the various work they do in their territories, giving validity and importance to the capacity development process and the chosen approach.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Innovación Agraria para el Desarrollo Rural
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