Caracterización del capital humano asociado al desarrollo del control biológico de plagas agrícolas en el Perú
Lizárraga Travaglini, Alfonso Diulio
El control biológico es un método para manejar plagas y es un elemento importante en el Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP). A pesar del gran esfuerzo de los organismos de extensión en los últimos años, este método no ha sido ampliamente adoptado en el Perú, con la excepción de algunos cultivos de exportación. La lenta adopción del control biológico en el Perú puede atribuirse a la limitada capacidad humana (educación) que se opone a la formación de una visión holística. Se observan deficiencias en los vínculos de integración interinstitucional, y se asume que la falta de capacitación especializada en control biológico es un factor importante en la falta de aceptación del control biológico. El objetivo de la investigación fue caracterizar el capital humano asociado con el desarrollo del control biológico de las plagas agrícolas en el Perú. Se realizó una encuesta sobre una muestra de 74 personas vinculadas al manejo de plagas. La encuesta se realizó en dos ocasiones con 10 años de diferencia (2006 y 2016). Los resultados muestran que, a pesar de haber un avance significativo, principalmente por el rol del SENASA a través de la Subdirección de Control Biológico, la percepción de los profesionales que fueron encuestados es que existe una visión sesgada respecto al control biológico, y que la calidad de las relaciones entre las instituciones involucradas en el manejo de plagas, especialmente en el control biológico no es óptimo. Este contexto nos lleva a afirmar que efectivamente se requieren especialistas entrenados en control biológico para mejorar el rendimiento de esta disciplina sin perder el enfoque de MIP. Es necesario invertir en un sistema que mejore académicamente el nivel de profesionales enfocados en el control biológico de plagas, así como construir una visión común que permita una planificación integral que incluya organizaciones gubernamentales y privadas, relacionadas con investigación, producción y educación.
Biological control is a method of managing pests and is an important element in Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Despite significant effort by extension agencies in recent years, this method hasn’t been widely adopted in Peru, with the exception of some export crops. The slow uptake of biological control in Peru may be attributable to limited human capacity (education) which militates against the formation of a holistic vision. Weaknesses are observed in the links of inter-institutional integration, and it is assumed that a lack of specialized training in biological control an important factor in the lack of uptake of biological control. The objective of the research was to characterize human capital associated with the development of biological control of agricultural pests in Peru. A survey was conducted on a sample of 74 people linked to pest management. The survey was conducted on two occasions with 10 years apart (2006 and 2016). The results show that, despite there being a significant advance, mainly due to the role of SENASA through the Sub Direction of Biological Control, the perception of the professionals that were surveyed is that there is a biased view regarding biological control, and that the quality of relationships between the institutions involved in the management of pests, especially in biological control isn’t optimal. This context leads us to affirm that effectively, specialists trained in biological control are required to improve the performance of this discipline without losing the focus of IPM. It is necessary to invest in a system that academically improves the level of professionals focused on the biological control of pests, as well as to build a common vision that allows an integral planning that includes governmental and private organizations, related to research, production and education.
Biological control is a method of managing pests and is an important element in Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Despite significant effort by extension agencies in recent years, this method hasn’t been widely adopted in Peru, with the exception of some export crops. The slow uptake of biological control in Peru may be attributable to limited human capacity (education) which militates against the formation of a holistic vision. Weaknesses are observed in the links of inter-institutional integration, and it is assumed that a lack of specialized training in biological control an important factor in the lack of uptake of biological control. The objective of the research was to characterize human capital associated with the development of biological control of agricultural pests in Peru. A survey was conducted on a sample of 74 people linked to pest management. The survey was conducted on two occasions with 10 years apart (2006 and 2016). The results show that, despite there being a significant advance, mainly due to the role of SENASA through the Sub Direction of Biological Control, the perception of the professionals that were surveyed is that there is a biased view regarding biological control, and that the quality of relationships between the institutions involved in the management of pests, especially in biological control isn’t optimal. This context leads us to affirm that effectively, specialists trained in biological control are required to improve the performance of this discipline without losing the focus of IPM. It is necessary to invest in a system that academically improves the level of professionals focused on the biological control of pests, as well as to build a common vision that allows an integral planning that includes governmental and private organizations, related to research, production and education.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Innovación Agraria para el Desarrollo Rural
Plagas; Control de plagas; Capital; Población activa; Científicos; Estudiantes; Agricultores; Control biológico; Gestión de lucha integrada; Evaluación; Perú; Capital humano; Manejo integrado de plagas
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