Influencia de las oportunidades de mercado en las prácticas pecuarias y gestión administrativa de los sistemas productivos de ganado lechero
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Bardales Escalante, William
El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la influencia de las oportunidades de mercado generadas por las instituciones y la industria láctea en la adopción de prácticas pecuarias y gestión administrativa. La investigación se realizó en 174 productores de ganado lechero de los distritos de Molinopampa y Florida. Se identificó el nivel tecnológico en base al índice de adopción tecnológica de prácticas pecuarias (IAPP) y se analizó la influencia de las políticas de apoyo y regulatorias de los actores del mercado en la adopción de 45 prácticas pecuarias de las dimensiones: sanidad, higiene e inocuidad en el ordeño, alimentación, manejo de vacas en producción, cultivo y manejo de pastos y forrajes, infraestructura construida, genética y alimentación del ganado en época de sequía. El 99.43 por ciento de los sistemas productivos tienen un nivel tecnológico bajo, IAPP=23.35. Las prácticas de la dimensión de higiene e inocuidad en el ordeño, son las más adoptadas, 49.43 por ciento de los productores con IAPP mayor a 50.00. Las prácticas de gestión administrativa, como comercialización de la leche de manera organizada y registros productivos son realizadas por el 31.0 y 10.9 por ciento, respectivamente. La influencia de los actores de mercado en la adopción de prácticas pecuarias, es identificada por un máximo de 11.5 por ciento de los productores; indicándonos que no contribuyen a la mejora tecnológica de los sistemas productivos lecheros. La Dirección Regional de Agricultura, es la institución más influyente en la adopción de prácticas pecuarias; sobresaliendo en las dimensiones de sanidad, higiene e inocuidad en el ordeño. La capacitación, información y asistencia técnica, correlacionan positivamente con el 37.8, 33.3 y 13.3 por ciento de las prácticas, respectivamente. Las políticas de control de acidez y residuos de antibióticos, se analizó en 21 prácticas pecuarias, encontrando correlaciones positivas con el 47.62 por ciento
The objective of the present investigation was to determine the influence of the market opportunities generated by public sector institutions and the dairy industry in the adoption of livestock practices and administrative management in the dairy cattle production systems of 174 producers in the districts of Molinopampa and Florida. The technological level was evaluated, considering the index of technological adoption of livestock practices (IAPP), elaborated based on 45 livestock practices of the dimensions of feeding, management of production cows, health, genetic improvement, hygiene and safety, cultivation and management of pastures and forages, cattle feeding in times of drought and productive infrastructure. The average IAPP of 99.43 percent of producers was 23.35, placing the production systems of dairy cattle in the low technological level. The most used dimension of practices is hygiene and safety at milking (55.82 percent) and the lowest are the feeding and feeding dimensions of livestock in the dry season at 13.70 and 3.45 percent, respectively. The use of administrative management practices is very low; the marketing of milk in an organized way does not exceed 31.0 percent and productive records are made by only 10.9 percent of the producers. The most influential institution is the Regional Directorate of Agriculture in all dimensions, being greater in health and hygiene and safety in milking in 59.2 and 50.6 percent. The results indicate that market actors are limited to acquiring milk or dairy products and do not influence technological adoption. The policies that correlate positively with livestock practices are: training with 37.8 percent, information with 33.3 percent. The mechanisms of quality control and safety are scarce except for the formal industry; however, 48.9% and 44.3% of the producers perform control mechanisms for acidity and avoid the presence of antibiotic residues, respectively, and these correlate with 47.62% of the livestock practices related to them (10/21)
The objective of the present investigation was to determine the influence of the market opportunities generated by public sector institutions and the dairy industry in the adoption of livestock practices and administrative management in the dairy cattle production systems of 174 producers in the districts of Molinopampa and Florida. The technological level was evaluated, considering the index of technological adoption of livestock practices (IAPP), elaborated based on 45 livestock practices of the dimensions of feeding, management of production cows, health, genetic improvement, hygiene and safety, cultivation and management of pastures and forages, cattle feeding in times of drought and productive infrastructure. The average IAPP of 99.43 percent of producers was 23.35, placing the production systems of dairy cattle in the low technological level. The most used dimension of practices is hygiene and safety at milking (55.82 percent) and the lowest are the feeding and feeding dimensions of livestock in the dry season at 13.70 and 3.45 percent, respectively. The use of administrative management practices is very low; the marketing of milk in an organized way does not exceed 31.0 percent and productive records are made by only 10.9 percent of the producers. The most influential institution is the Regional Directorate of Agriculture in all dimensions, being greater in health and hygiene and safety in milking in 59.2 and 50.6 percent. The results indicate that market actors are limited to acquiring milk or dairy products and do not influence technological adoption. The policies that correlate positively with livestock practices are: training with 37.8 percent, information with 33.3 percent. The mechanisms of quality control and safety are scarce except for the formal industry; however, 48.9% and 44.3% of the producers perform control mechanisms for acidity and avoid the presence of antibiotic residues, respectively, and these correlate with 47.62% of the livestock practices related to them (10/21)
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Innovación Agraria para el Desarrollo Rural
Ganado de leche; Sistemas de explotación; Manejo del ganado; Gestión; Tecnología apropiada; Adopción de innovaciones; Información; Situación del mercado; Métodos; Evaluación; Perú; Molinopampa (dist.); Florida (dist.); Región Amazonas
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