Riesgo de degradación de los ecosistemas altoandinos empleando el modelo USPED en la subcuenca Chamacna, Lurín
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Onocuica Quiroz, Samanta Croshet
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El presente estudio buscó estimar el estado de conservación de los ecosistemas, el grado de erosión y deposición del suelo para generar información que permita identificar el riesgo de degradación de los ecosistemas altoandinos en la cabecera dos microcuencas de la subcuenca Chamacna, perteneciente a la cuenca Lurín, distrito de San Andrés de Tupicocha en la región Lima. Ya que estos ecosistemas proveen servicios a las poblaciones más aledañas, así como regulación hídrica aguas abajo. Se mapearon ecosistemas con el uso de la clasificación supervisada (Random Forest) aplicado en la plataforma GEE, obteniéndose 10 tipos de cobertura, una PG (precisión general) de 97% e índice Kappa de 0,95. Se clasificaron 16 tipos de ecosistemas. El estado de los ecosistemas altoandinos se estimó evaluando en campo atributos e indicadores de conservación con la metodología desarrollada por el (MINAM, 2016a) y el uso de QGIS en gabinete. Asimismo, se priorizaron los ecosistemas caracterizados por la vegetación de pajonal y matorral. El grado de erosión y deposición se estimó aplicando el modelo USPED compuesto por factores biofísicos con el uso de GRASS-GIS 7.8. Seguidamente, se obtuvo el riesgo de degradación del ecosistema en cada microcuenca. La cabecera de cuenca Vichibampa presenta mayor riesgo en 92,19 ha con matorral denso y 72,80 ha de matorral disperso con erosión Severa-alta (20 t.ha-1.año a más), 34,93 ha de matorral denso y 22,24 ha de matorral disperso con deposición Muy alta (5 t.ha1.año a más) y 19,12 ha de pajonal con erosión Severa-alta y el 14,53 ha con deposición Muy alta. La microcuenca Casama presenta mayor riesgo en 44,63 ha de matorral denso y 72,17 ha de matorral disperso con erosión Severa-alta, 14, 33 ha de matorral denso y 17,70 ha de matorral disperso con deposición Muy alta y un 14,67 ha de pajonal con erosión Severa-alta y 1,43 ha con deposición Muy alta. Finalmente, identificar las áreas con mayor riesgo posibilitó plantear medidas de prevención y protección. En futuros trabajos debería incluirse transporte de sedimentos.
The present study aimed to estimate the conservation status of ecosystems, the degree of soil erosion and deposition, in order to generate information to identify the risk of degradation of high Andean ecosystems in the headwaters of the Chamacna sub-basin, belonging to the Lurín basin, San Andrés de Tupicocha district in the Lima region. Since these ecosystems provide services to the surrounding populations, as well as downstream water regulation. Ecosystems were mapped using supervised classification (Random Forest) applied in the GEE platform, resulting in 10 types of coverage, a overall accuracy of 97%, and a Kappa index of 0.95. 16 types of ecosystems were classified. The state of the high Andean ecosystems was estimated by evaluating field attributes and conservation indicators using the methodology developed by MINAM (2016a) and using QGIS. Furthermore, ecosystems characterized by grassland and shrub vegetation were prioritized. The degree of erosion and deposition was estimated using the USPED model composed of biophysical factors using GRASS-GIS 7.8. Subsequently, the risk of ecosystem degradation was obtained for each micro-watershed. The Vichibampa basin headwaters present higher risk in 92.19 ha of dense shrubland and 72.80 ha of scattered shrubland with severe-high erosion (20 t.ha-1.year or more), 34.93 ha of dense shrubland and 22.24 ha of scattered shrubland with very high deposition (5 t.ha-1.year or more), and 19.12 ha of grassland with severe-high erosion and 14.53 ha with very high deposition. The Casama micro-watershed presents higher risk in 44.63 ha of dense shrubland and 72.17 ha of scattered shrubland with severe-high erosion, 14.33 ha of dense shrubland and 17.70 ha of scattered shrubland with very high deposition, and 14.67 ha of grassland with severe-high erosion and 1.43 ha with very high deposition. Finally, identifying areas with higher risk enabled proposing prevention and protection measures. Future works should include sediment transport
The present study aimed to estimate the conservation status of ecosystems, the degree of soil erosion and deposition, in order to generate information to identify the risk of degradation of high Andean ecosystems in the headwaters of the Chamacna sub-basin, belonging to the Lurín basin, San Andrés de Tupicocha district in the Lima region. Since these ecosystems provide services to the surrounding populations, as well as downstream water regulation. Ecosystems were mapped using supervised classification (Random Forest) applied in the GEE platform, resulting in 10 types of coverage, a overall accuracy of 97%, and a Kappa index of 0.95. 16 types of ecosystems were classified. The state of the high Andean ecosystems was estimated by evaluating field attributes and conservation indicators using the methodology developed by MINAM (2016a) and using QGIS. Furthermore, ecosystems characterized by grassland and shrub vegetation were prioritized. The degree of erosion and deposition was estimated using the USPED model composed of biophysical factors using GRASS-GIS 7.8. Subsequently, the risk of ecosystem degradation was obtained for each micro-watershed. The Vichibampa basin headwaters present higher risk in 92.19 ha of dense shrubland and 72.80 ha of scattered shrubland with severe-high erosion (20 t.ha-1.year or more), 34.93 ha of dense shrubland and 22.24 ha of scattered shrubland with very high deposition (5 t.ha-1.year or more), and 19.12 ha of grassland with severe-high erosion and 14.53 ha with very high deposition. The Casama micro-watershed presents higher risk in 44.63 ha of dense shrubland and 72.17 ha of scattered shrubland with severe-high erosion, 14.33 ha of dense shrubland and 17.70 ha of scattered shrubland with very high deposition, and 14.67 ha of grassland with severe-high erosion and 1.43 ha with very high deposition. Finally, identifying areas with higher risk enabled proposing prevention and protection measures. Future works should include sediment transport
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Recursos Hídricos
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