Transcriptoma de Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) sometido a estrés hídrico
Hidalgo Rodríguez, José Ernesto Manuel
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Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) es una especie con alto potencial agronómico pero subutilizada por diversas razones. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los cambios en la expresión génica de tarwi en condiciones de estrés hídrico con el fin de conocer los mecanismos genéticos de respuesta a sequía que operan en esta especie. Tras una selección por precocidad, mayor peso de semilla, mayor sobrevivencia a sequía, mayor peso seco de la parte aérea tras sequía y menor contenido de alcaloides, se determinó que la accesión P03 es promisoria para el mejoramiento de tarwi. Esta accesión responde a sequía modificando su contenido de elementos en la parte aérea, e incrementando sus niveles de prolina. El secuenciamiento de ARN total mediante ARNseq de Illumina demostró cambios en la expresión génica de tarwi. Se encontraron 7813 genes diferencialmente expresados (DEGs). De estos, 4 588 genes estuvieron upregulados, en tanto que 3225 genes fueron downregulados. Con respecto a proceso biológico, 4747 genes upregulados, en tanto que solamente 2 459 genes estuvieron downregulados. Los datos de Componente Celular revelan 130 genes upregulados y 329 genes downregulados. Los genes relacionados con Función Molecular, muestran 1888 genes upregulados y 562 genes downregulados. Según la clasificación de acuerdo a la base de datos de sequía. Se encontraron 1796 DEGs asociados a proteínas funcionales, los que fueron clasificados en canales y transportadores (452), detoxificación (431), fosfolípidos (317), proteasas (200), fotosíntesis (189), osmolitos (178) y factores de protección (29). Los 1944 DEGs con función regulatoria fueron clasificados en transducción de señal (939), hormonas (363), factores de transcripción (330), cromatina (154), histonas (113), complejos ligasa de ubiquitina (31), hidrolasas ácido anhidro (14). Este trabajo proporciona las bases para comprender los mecanismos genéticos que regulan la tolerancia a sequía en tarwi.
Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) is one of the crops with the most agronomic potential to contribute to agricultural development. However, it is not properly leveraged due to a variety of factors, amongst which there is water stress. The objective of this research is to analyze the changes in tarwi (L. mutabilis Sweet) gene expression grown under water stress, to understand the genetic mechanisms of drought response. After selecting plants according to early flowering, greater seed weight, higher drought survival rate, greater shoot biomass after drought and lower alkaloid content, accession P03 was determined to be a candidate for tarwi improvement. When grown under water stress, this accession is capable of modifying its element content in shoots and increasing its proline levels, which is a manifestation of transcriptomic changes in response to water stress. Illumina RNA sequencing, demonstrated the presence of 7813 diferentially expressed genes. 4588 genes were upregulated, while 3225 genes were downregulated. With regards to Biological Process, 4747 genes were upregulated and 2459 were downregulated. Cellular Component data reveal 130 upregulated genes and 329 downregulated genes. Data related to Molecular Function show 1888 upregulated genes and 562 downregulated genes. According to the Drought Stress Database, 1796 diferentially expressed genes were associated to functional proteins. They were classified in channels and transporters (452), detoxification (431), phospholipids (317), proteases (200), photosynthesis (189), osmolytes (178) and protection factors (29). 1944 genes with regulatory function were diferentially expressed and classified in signal transduction (939), hormones (363), transcription factors (330), chromatin (154), histones (113), ubiquitin-ligase complexes (31), acid anhydride hydrolases (14). This study provides the background to understand the genetic mechanisms that regulate tolerance to water stress in tarwi.
Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) is one of the crops with the most agronomic potential to contribute to agricultural development. However, it is not properly leveraged due to a variety of factors, amongst which there is water stress. The objective of this research is to analyze the changes in tarwi (L. mutabilis Sweet) gene expression grown under water stress, to understand the genetic mechanisms of drought response. After selecting plants according to early flowering, greater seed weight, higher drought survival rate, greater shoot biomass after drought and lower alkaloid content, accession P03 was determined to be a candidate for tarwi improvement. When grown under water stress, this accession is capable of modifying its element content in shoots and increasing its proline levels, which is a manifestation of transcriptomic changes in response to water stress. Illumina RNA sequencing, demonstrated the presence of 7813 diferentially expressed genes. 4588 genes were upregulated, while 3225 genes were downregulated. With regards to Biological Process, 4747 genes were upregulated and 2459 were downregulated. Cellular Component data reveal 130 upregulated genes and 329 downregulated genes. Data related to Molecular Function show 1888 upregulated genes and 562 downregulated genes. According to the Drought Stress Database, 1796 diferentially expressed genes were associated to functional proteins. They were classified in channels and transporters (452), detoxification (431), phospholipids (317), proteases (200), photosynthesis (189), osmolytes (178) and protection factors (29). 1944 genes with regulatory function were diferentially expressed and classified in signal transduction (939), hormones (363), transcription factors (330), chromatin (154), histones (113), ubiquitin-ligase complexes (31), acid anhydride hydrolases (14). This study provides the background to understand the genetic mechanisms that regulate tolerance to water stress in tarwi.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Mejoramiento Genético de Plantas
Lupinus mutabilis; Estrés de sequía; Relaciones planta agua; Contenido de agua en el suelo; Temperatura; Medición; Estrés hídrico; Expresión génica; Biotecnología vegetal; Genes; Experimentación en laboratorio; Perú; Tarwi; RT-PCR; RT-QPCR; Técnicas moleculares
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