Validación del aviso hidrologico en la cuenca Tumbes durante la ocurrencia del niño costero 2023
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Tacusi Cuadros, Diego Alonzo
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En el contexto de la ocurrencia de fenómenos climáticos tales como el fenómeno El Niño – Oscilación del Sur (ENOS), el cual ha generado inundaciones en las cuencas de la costa norte del Perú, desencadenando destrucción de edificaciones, miles de damnificados y daños a la infraestructura, el Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú – SENAMHI tiene como producto el “aviso hidrológico” el cual brinda información sobre la superación de 03 umbrales de nivel de peligro; amarillo, naranja y rojo ante posibles desbordes o erosión fluvial, siendo clave dentro del Sistema Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (SINAGERD) para la toma de acciones ante el peligro de avenidas hidrológicas. Por este motivo, durante mi estancia en el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional – COEN, se realizó la validación de este producto contrastando los períodos de emisión de estos avisos con eventos ocurridos en la cuenca del río Tumbes. Al respecto, se recopilaron los eventos hidrológicos extremos registrados por las instituciones oficiales tales como la Autoridad Nacional del Agua e INDECI, además de usar imágenes satelitales de libre acceso, Sentinel 2 y LandSat 7; y material fílmico de los diferentes medios de comunicación nacionales y locales. Con toda esta información recolectada se realizó la validación de los avisos hidrológicos emitidos desde el 07 de marzo hasta el 01 de mayo del 2023 en la cuenca Tumbes, obteniéndose que el umbral rojo de peligro no era el adecuado siendo replanteado de 1000 a 900 m3/s, obteniéndose una tasa satisfactoria de aciertos de 0.95 y una tasa de desaciertos de 0.07, teniendo como resultado final una mejora en la efectividad del aviso y las consiguientes recomendaciones en base a la experiencia obtenida en el COEN.
In the context of climatic phenomena such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which has triggered floods in the basins of northern coastal Peru, resulting in building destruction, thousands of affected individuals, and infrastructure damage, the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru (SENAMHI) produces the "hydrological advisory." This product provides information on the exceeding of three danger level thresholds: yellow, orange, and red, in the face of potential river overflows or fluvial erosion. It plays a crucial role within the National System for Disaster Risk Management (SINAGERD) for decision-making in response to the danger of hydrological floods. During my tenure at the National Emergency Operations Center (COEN), the validation of this product was conducted by comparing the issuance periods of these advisories with events in the Tumbes River basin. Events of extreme hydrological nature recorded by official institutions such as the National Water Authority and INDECI were compiled. Additionally, freely accessible satellite images from Sentinel 2 and LandSat 7 and video material from various national and local media outlets were used. With all this collected information, the validation of hydrological advisories issued from March 7 to May 1, 2023, in the Tumbes basin was carried out. The results indicated that the red danger threshold was not appropriate, leading to its adjustment from 1000 to 900 m³/s. The validation showed a satisfactory hit rate of 0.95 and a miss rate of 0.07, resulting in an overall improvement in the effectiveness of the advisory and subsequent recommendations based on the experience gained at COEN.
In the context of climatic phenomena such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which has triggered floods in the basins of northern coastal Peru, resulting in building destruction, thousands of affected individuals, and infrastructure damage, the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru (SENAMHI) produces the "hydrological advisory." This product provides information on the exceeding of three danger level thresholds: yellow, orange, and red, in the face of potential river overflows or fluvial erosion. It plays a crucial role within the National System for Disaster Risk Management (SINAGERD) for decision-making in response to the danger of hydrological floods. During my tenure at the National Emergency Operations Center (COEN), the validation of this product was conducted by comparing the issuance periods of these advisories with events in the Tumbes River basin. Events of extreme hydrological nature recorded by official institutions such as the National Water Authority and INDECI were compiled. Additionally, freely accessible satellite images from Sentinel 2 and LandSat 7 and video material from various national and local media outlets were used. With all this collected information, the validation of hydrological advisories issued from March 7 to May 1, 2023, in the Tumbes basin was carried out. The results indicated that the red danger threshold was not appropriate, leading to its adjustment from 1000 to 900 m³/s. The validation showed a satisfactory hit rate of 0.95 and a miss rate of 0.07, resulting in an overall improvement in the effectiveness of the advisory and subsequent recommendations based on the experience gained at COEN.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Recursos Hídricos
Aviso hidrológico
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