Producción y formulación de Trichoderma asperellum y el control de Rhizoctonia solani de algodón Gossypium barbadense L.
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Calle Cheje, Yuri Holsin
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En la agricultura peruana, hay un aumento en la demanda de productos biológicos; el hongo Trichoderma se produce de manera artesanal en sustratos sólidos, presentan problemas de vida útil limitada, dificultades durante el transporte y comercialización. Los objetivos del estudio fueron obtener e identificar aislados de Trichoderma desde el suelo, evaluar su capacidad antagonista in vitro, multiplicar, desarrollar formulados en polvo mojable con caolín y bentonita, determinar su eficacia en el control del hongo Rhizoctonia solani en plantas de algodón bajo condiciones de invernadero. Se determinó el crecimiento y características morfológicas de cuatro aislados de Trichoderma obtenidas de las localidades de Cañete y Chincha, Perú, se identificó molecularmente a través de sus regiones ITS, el antagonismo in vitro contra Rhizoctonia solani se estableció mediante placas precolonizadas y filtrados. T. asperellum TCal obtenido se multiplicó en sustrato sólido, se extrajo sus conidios, formulándose prototipos tipo polvo mojable. Dos de los cuatro aislados obtenidos se identificaron como T. asperellum TCal y T. asperellum TCh2. TCal se multiplicó en sustrato de maíz amarillo partido, alcanzando una concentración de 1.47x109 conidias/g. El prototipo de polvo mojable formulado con 12 % de ingrediente activo, almacenado durante 90 días a temperatura ambiental (19-24 °C), mantuvo concentraciones de 1.19 x 109 y 1.16 x 109 conidias/g al utilizar caolín y bentonita, respectivamente. A 4 °C, se mantuvieron en 1.20 x 109 y 1.18 x 109 conidias/g, también con caolín y bentonita. En ambas condiciones de temperatura, más del 95 % de las conidias permanecieron viables. El prototipo formulado con T. asperellum TCal redujo significativamente la severidad de la enfermedad “chupadera fungosa” causada por R. solani en plantas de algodón en invernadero, logrando entre 54.9 – 56.9 % de control de la enfermedad. Este formulado facilitará su transporte y comercialización para el control de enfermedades en plantas.
In Peruvian agriculture, there is an increase in the demand for biological products; the fungus Trichoderma is produced in an artisanal way in solid substrates, presenting problems of limited shelf life, difficulties during transport and commercialization. The objectives of the study were to obtain and identify Trichoderma isolates from the soil, evaluate their in vitro antagonistic capacity, multiply, develop formulations in wettable powder with kaolin and bentonite, determine their efficacy in controlling the fungus Rhizoctonia solani in cotton plants under greenhouse conditions. The growth and morphological characteristics of four Trichoderma isolates obtained from the localities of Cañete and Chincha, Peru, were determined, molecularly identified through their ITS regions, in vitro antagonism against Rhizoctonia solani was established by precolonized plates and filtrates. T. asperellum TCal obtained was multiplied in solid substrate, its conidia were extracted, and wettable powder type prototypes were formulated. Two of the four isolates obtained were identified as T. asperellum TCal and T. asperellum TCh2. TCal multiplied in cracked yellow corn substrate, reaching a concentration of 1.47 x 109 conidia/g. The wettable powder prototype formulated with 12% active ingredient, stored for 90 days at room temperature (19-24 °C), maintained concentrations of 1.19 x 109 and 1.16 x 109 conidia/g when using kaolin and bentonite, respectively. At 4 °C, they were maintained at 1.20 x 109 and 1.18 x 109 conidia/g, also with kaolin and bentonite. Under both temperature conditions, more than 95 % of the conidia remained viable. The prototype formulated with T. asperellum TCal significantly reduced the severity of the fungus “Damping-off” disease caused by R. solani in greenhouse cotton plants, achieving 54.9-56.9 % disease control. This formulation will facilitate its transport and commercialization for the control of plant diseases.
In Peruvian agriculture, there is an increase in the demand for biological products; the fungus Trichoderma is produced in an artisanal way in solid substrates, presenting problems of limited shelf life, difficulties during transport and commercialization. The objectives of the study were to obtain and identify Trichoderma isolates from the soil, evaluate their in vitro antagonistic capacity, multiply, develop formulations in wettable powder with kaolin and bentonite, determine their efficacy in controlling the fungus Rhizoctonia solani in cotton plants under greenhouse conditions. The growth and morphological characteristics of four Trichoderma isolates obtained from the localities of Cañete and Chincha, Peru, were determined, molecularly identified through their ITS regions, in vitro antagonism against Rhizoctonia solani was established by precolonized plates and filtrates. T. asperellum TCal obtained was multiplied in solid substrate, its conidia were extracted, and wettable powder type prototypes were formulated. Two of the four isolates obtained were identified as T. asperellum TCal and T. asperellum TCh2. TCal multiplied in cracked yellow corn substrate, reaching a concentration of 1.47 x 109 conidia/g. The wettable powder prototype formulated with 12% active ingredient, stored for 90 days at room temperature (19-24 °C), maintained concentrations of 1.19 x 109 and 1.16 x 109 conidia/g when using kaolin and bentonite, respectively. At 4 °C, they were maintained at 1.20 x 109 and 1.18 x 109 conidia/g, also with kaolin and bentonite. Under both temperature conditions, more than 95 % of the conidia remained viable. The prototype formulated with T. asperellum TCal significantly reduced the severity of the fungus “Damping-off” disease caused by R. solani in greenhouse cotton plants, achieving 54.9-56.9 % disease control. This formulation will facilitate its transport and commercialization for the control of plant diseases.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en
Control biológico
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