Intensidad y distribución espacial de la Marchitez por Fusarium de las musáceas (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense) en el Perú
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Marín Gil, Dustin Stewart
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La Marchitez por Fusarium (MF), ocasionada por el hongo Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), es la principal enfermedad de plátanos y bananos a nivel mundial. La llegada de la Raza 4 Tropical (Foc R4T) al Perú ha aumentado la preocupación con esta enfermedad, pues amenaza la seguridad alimentaria y producción de 135 mil hectáreas en la Selva peruana. La comprensión del desarrollo epidemiológico de la MF es crucial para implementar estrategias de manejo efectivas; sin embargo, no existe información básica sobre la intensidad, los patrones espaciales, los modos de diseminación de Foc, ni los potenciales factores involucrados en estos procesos de la MF en el Perú. En este trabajo se realizó un estudio observacional en 189 fincas distribuidas en 06 zonas productoras y 199.47 ha, con los siguientes objetivos: estimar la intensidad de la MF (prevalencia e incidencia); determinar su relación con las variedades cultivadas; generar conocimientos sobre sus patrones de distribución espacial mediante el cálculo del índice de dispersión, ajuste a distribuciones de probabilidad, SADIE y MAPComp; verificar la relación entre las prácticas de manejo con su intensidad y distribución espacial mediante encuestas, evaluaciones in situ, uso de la ley de la potencia binaria de Taylor y análisis multivariados y estimar las pérdidas asociadas a la MF. La prevalencia fue de 28.04% (53/189 fincas en 05 zonas), fue mayor en Junín (55.56%), nula en Madre de Dios y estuvo afectada por la variedad. La incidencia media fue baja (1.853%), fue mayor en Junín (2.163%) y en la variedad Isla (Iholena, AAB) (2.21%). El patrón espacial predominante fue agregado y fue detectado por todos los métodos en 24 fincas (45.28% del total), estuvo influenciado por la incidencia y edad del cultivo, hubo mayor agregación en la variedad Seda (Gros Michel, AAA) que en Isla y en fincas con menores daño por Cosmopolites sordidus (CS). Hubo aleatorización de focos a nivel de finca con mayores daños por CS. Un manejo del cultivo más intenso y con mayor empleo de insumos químicos se asoció con la región Junín, el uso de la variedad Isla, mayores incidencias de la MF, menor agregación, mayores daños por CS, mayores precipitaciones y el origen de material de siembra de zonas distantes. Las pérdidas en rendimiento a nivel regional variaron entre 6.2 y 1134.44 kg x ha-1 x año-1, en promedio de 207.95 kg x ha-1 x año-1 y, en general, cada 1% de incidencia de la MF ocasionó pérdidas económicas medias de S/. 98.916 x ha-1 x año-1.
Fusarium Wilt (FW), caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), is the major disease of bananas and plantains. The arrival of Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4) in Peru has increased concern about this disease, as it threatens the food security and production of 135 000 hectares in the Peruvian rainforest. Understanding the epidemiological features of FW is crucial to implement effective management strategies; nevertheless, there is no basic information on the intensity, spatial patterns, modes of dissemination of Foc, and potential factors involved in these processes of FW in Peru. In this work, a survey was carried out in 189 farms distributed in 06 producing areas and 199.47 ha, with the following objectives: to estimate the intensity of FW (prevalence and incidence); to determine its relationship with cultivated varieties; to generate knowledge about its spatial distribution patterns by calculating the dispersion index, fitting probability distributions, SADIE and MAPComp; to verify the relationship between management practices and its intensity and spatial distribution through interviews, in situ evaluations, use of Taylor's binary power law and multivariate analysis and to estimate the losses associated with FW. The prevalence was 28.04% (53/189 fields in 05 zones), it was higher in Junin (55.56%), null in Madre de Dios and was affected by variety. The mean incidence was low (1.853%), it was higher in Junín (2.163%) and in the Isla variety (Iholena, AAB) (2.21%). The predominant spatial pattern was aggregate and was detected by all methods on 24 fields (45.28% of the total), it was influenced by incidence and crop age, there was more aggregation on the Seda variety (Gros Michel, AAA) than Isla and on fields with less damages by Cosmopolites sordidus (CS). There was randomisation of foci at the farm level with higher CS damages. More intensive crop management and greater use of chemical inputs was associated with the Junin region, the use of the Isla variety, higher incidences of MF, lower aggregation, higher CS damages, higher rainfalls, and the origin of planting material from distant areas. The estimated losses at regional level ranged from 6.2 to 1134.44 kg x ha-1 x year-1, with an average of 207.95 kg x ha-1 x year-1; and overall, estimated losses increased on average by S/. 98.916 x ha-1 x año-1 at each 1% of incidence.
Fusarium Wilt (FW), caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), is the major disease of bananas and plantains. The arrival of Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4) in Peru has increased concern about this disease, as it threatens the food security and production of 135 000 hectares in the Peruvian rainforest. Understanding the epidemiological features of FW is crucial to implement effective management strategies; nevertheless, there is no basic information on the intensity, spatial patterns, modes of dissemination of Foc, and potential factors involved in these processes of FW in Peru. In this work, a survey was carried out in 189 farms distributed in 06 producing areas and 199.47 ha, with the following objectives: to estimate the intensity of FW (prevalence and incidence); to determine its relationship with cultivated varieties; to generate knowledge about its spatial distribution patterns by calculating the dispersion index, fitting probability distributions, SADIE and MAPComp; to verify the relationship between management practices and its intensity and spatial distribution through interviews, in situ evaluations, use of Taylor's binary power law and multivariate analysis and to estimate the losses associated with FW. The prevalence was 28.04% (53/189 fields in 05 zones), it was higher in Junin (55.56%), null in Madre de Dios and was affected by variety. The mean incidence was low (1.853%), it was higher in Junín (2.163%) and in the Isla variety (Iholena, AAB) (2.21%). The predominant spatial pattern was aggregate and was detected by all methods on 24 fields (45.28% of the total), it was influenced by incidence and crop age, there was more aggregation on the Seda variety (Gros Michel, AAA) than Isla and on fields with less damages by Cosmopolites sordidus (CS). There was randomisation of foci at the farm level with higher CS damages. More intensive crop management and greater use of chemical inputs was associated with the Junin region, the use of the Isla variety, higher incidences of MF, lower aggregation, higher CS damages, higher rainfalls, and the origin of planting material from distant areas. The estimated losses at regional level ranged from 6.2 to 1134.44 kg x ha-1 x year-1, with an average of 207.95 kg x ha-1 x year-1; and overall, estimated losses increased on average by S/. 98.916 x ha-1 x año-1 at each 1% of incidence.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Fitopatología
marchitez por Fusarium
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