Factores socioeconómicos, medioambientales e innovaciones en el sistema de manejo de la vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) en la provincia Lucanas, Ayacucho
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Ñahuinlla Vicencio, Hernán Jorge
La captura y esquila de la vicuña “Chaku” para la obtención de fibra, constituye una de las principales fuentes de ingresos de las familias de las zonas altoandinas del Perú. En esta investigación, se toma como caso de estudio la provincia de Lucanas en la región Ayacucho, la cual cuenta con 62 133 vicuñas de acuerdo al censo realizado por la Dirección General Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre en el 2012 (DGFFS 2014), que la convierte en la región con mayor número de vicuñas en el país (29.74 por ciento de la población nacional). Del total de vicuñas de la región Ayacucho, el 83.25 por ciento se encuentran en la provincia de Lucanas (DGFFS 2014). En este contexto, el presente estudio analizó cómo los factores socioeconómicos (grado de instrucción, género, edad, grado de especialización y tipo de organización), medioambientales (precipitación y temperatura) e innovaciones tecnológicas (tipo de manejo, número de capturas realizadas) que están asociados al sistema de manejo de la vicuña tienen un impacto en la producción de fibra, productividad de la fibra, número de vellones, número de madres, estructura poblacional y en general en la conservación de la vicuña. Se analizaron estas variables en organizaciones de niveles de producción medio y alto, autorizadas por el estado para su aprovechamiento. Se colectó información del 2005 al 2016, 12 años de periodo de análisis. Los resultados muestran que los factores socioeconómicos son los que más influyen en el sistema de manejo de la vicuña, permitiendo una mayor especialización en las fases de producción, transformación y gestión del sistema. Mientras, las variables medioambientales indican que la temperatura promedio anual del modelo predictor tiene una tendencia ligeramente decreciente. Por otro lado, las innovaciones tecnológicas aplicadas en la fase de producción conducen a una tendencia negativa en la productividad de fibra de vicuña,
The capture and shearing of the “Chaku” vicuña to obtain fiber is one of the main sources of income for families in the high Andean areas of Peru. In this research, the province of Lucanas in the Ayacucho region is taken as a case study, which has 62,133 vicuñas according to the census carried out by the General Directorate of Forestry and Wildlife in 2012 (DGFFS 2014), which becomes the region with the highest number of vicuñas in the country (29.74 percent of the national population). Of the total vicuñas in the Ayacucho region, 83.25 percent are found in the province of Lucanas (DGFFS 2014). In this context, the present study analyzed how socioeconomic factors (level of education, gender, age, degree of specialization and type of organization), environmental factors (precipitation and temperature) and technological innovations (type of management, number of catches made) that They are associated with the vicuña management system and have an impact on fiber production, fiber productivity, number of fleeces, number of mothers, population structure and in general on the conservation of the vicuña. These variables were analyzed in organizations with medium and high production levels, authorized by the state for their use. Information was collected from 2005 to 2016, a 12-year analysis period. The results show that socioeconomic factors are those that most influence the vicuña management system, allowing greater specialization in the production, transformation and management phases of the system. Meanwhile, the environmental variables indicate that the average annual temperature of the predictor model has a slightly decreasing trend. On the other hand, technological innovations applied in the production phase lead to a negative trend in vicuña fiber productivity.
The capture and shearing of the “Chaku” vicuña to obtain fiber is one of the main sources of income for families in the high Andean areas of Peru. In this research, the province of Lucanas in the Ayacucho region is taken as a case study, which has 62,133 vicuñas according to the census carried out by the General Directorate of Forestry and Wildlife in 2012 (DGFFS 2014), which becomes the region with the highest number of vicuñas in the country (29.74 percent of the national population). Of the total vicuñas in the Ayacucho region, 83.25 percent are found in the province of Lucanas (DGFFS 2014). In this context, the present study analyzed how socioeconomic factors (level of education, gender, age, degree of specialization and type of organization), environmental factors (precipitation and temperature) and technological innovations (type of management, number of catches made) that They are associated with the vicuña management system and have an impact on fiber production, fiber productivity, number of fleeces, number of mothers, population structure and in general on the conservation of the vicuña. These variables were analyzed in organizations with medium and high production levels, authorized by the state for their use. Information was collected from 2005 to 2016, a 12-year analysis period. The results show that socioeconomic factors are those that most influence the vicuña management system, allowing greater specialization in the production, transformation and management phases of the system. Meanwhile, the environmental variables indicate that the average annual temperature of the predictor model has a slightly decreasing trend. On the other hand, technological innovations applied in the production phase lead to a negative trend in vicuña fiber productivity.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Innovación Agraria para el Desarrollo Rural
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