Modelamiento hidrológico weap para la evaluación de la capacidad de represamientos en la cuenca media alta del río Huaura
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Narváez Taype, Dayana Esther
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El propósito del estudio fue realizar un modelo hidrológico Water Evalution and Planning (WEAP) para evaluar la capacidad de los posibles puntos de represamiento en la parte media alta de la cuenca del rio Huaura, lo cual permitirá incrementar la oferta hídrica en la zona de estudio durante los meses de estiaje. Se generó las curvas Altura – Área – Volumen en cada punto posible de represamiento. La delimitación de la cuenca y subcuencas se realizó mediante la herramienta Hydrology incorporada en el software ArcMap 10.5, lo cual permitió hallar los parámetros geomorfológicos de la zona de estudio. Además, se generó series sintéticas de la precipitación mediante el modelo PARMA (1,0) utilizando el software SAMS2007. La generación de caudales en el eje donde se ubica los puntos posibles de represamiento se realizó mediante el modelo de Método de Humedad del Suelo que viene incorporado en el software WEAP. Los datos de la estación hidrométrica Sayán se utilizaron para la calibración, validación del modelo hidrológico y para la demanda hídrica, se consideró el caudal de las necesidades para el uso agrícola. El método utilizado para el cálculo del volumen pico de la presa fue el método de Picos Secuenciales, en donde fue necesario definir la oferta hídrica y la demanda que se espera atender en los puntos de interés. Asimismo, este método permitió definir de manera rápida y sencilla la capacidad de almacenamiento para las presas, el cual se debe considerarse como primera aproximación en la fase de evaluación técnica y económica del proyecto. Como resultado, se obtuvo volúmenes útiles para cada presa de la serie histórica y sintética respectivamente y mediante la simulación de operación se comprobó que dicha capacidad permite contar con una garantía de abastecimiento de la demanda de prácticamente 100% (temporal y volumétrica). Con dichos volúmenes útiles, se halló su altura de diseño de represamiento respectivamente mediante la curva Altura – Área – Volumen.
The purpose of the study was to develop a hydrological model, Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP), to evaluate the capacity of possible damming points in the upper middle part of the Huaura River basin, which will allow increasing the water supply in the study area during the dry months. Height – Area – Volume curves were generated at each possible damming point. The delimitation of the basin and sub-basins was carried out using the Hydrology tool incorporated in the ArcMap 10.5 software, which allowed finding the geomorphological parameters of the study area. In addition, synthetic precipitation series were generated using the PARMA (1.0) model using the SAMS2007 software. The generation of flows in the axis where the possible damming points are located was carried out using the Soil Moisture Method model incorporated in the WEAP software. The data from the Sayán hydrometric station were used for calibration and validation of the hydrological model and for water demand, the flow rate for agricultural use was considered. The method used to calculate the peak volume of the dam was the Sequential Peaks method, where it was necessary to define the water supply and demand expected to be met at the points of interest. Likewise, this method allowed to quickly and easily define the storage capacity for the dams, which should be considered as a first approximation in the technical and economic evaluation phase of the project. As a result, useful volumes were obtained for each dam in the historical and synthetic series respectively and through the operation simulation it was proven that said capacity allows to have a guarantee of supply of the demand of practically 100% (temporal and volumetric). With said useful volumes, their design height of the dam was found respectively through the Height – Area – Volume curve.
The purpose of the study was to develop a hydrological model, Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP), to evaluate the capacity of possible damming points in the upper middle part of the Huaura River basin, which will allow increasing the water supply in the study area during the dry months. Height – Area – Volume curves were generated at each possible damming point. The delimitation of the basin and sub-basins was carried out using the Hydrology tool incorporated in the ArcMap 10.5 software, which allowed finding the geomorphological parameters of the study area. In addition, synthetic precipitation series were generated using the PARMA (1.0) model using the SAMS2007 software. The generation of flows in the axis where the possible damming points are located was carried out using the Soil Moisture Method model incorporated in the WEAP software. The data from the Sayán hydrometric station were used for calibration and validation of the hydrological model and for water demand, the flow rate for agricultural use was considered. The method used to calculate the peak volume of the dam was the Sequential Peaks method, where it was necessary to define the water supply and demand expected to be met at the points of interest. Likewise, this method allowed to quickly and easily define the storage capacity for the dams, which should be considered as a first approximation in the technical and economic evaluation phase of the project. As a result, useful volumes were obtained for each dam in the historical and synthetic series respectively and through the operation simulation it was proven that said capacity allows to have a guarantee of supply of the demand of practically 100% (temporal and volumetric). With said useful volumes, their design height of the dam was found respectively through the Height – Area – Volume curve.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola.
Departamento Académico de Recursos Hídricos
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