Regulación del crecimiento de yemas florales en Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) por RNA - SEQ
Ramos Otiniano, Cynthia Catheryne
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El tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet), tiene importancia económica por su alto contenido de macro y micronutrientes. La producción de semilla depende de la floración, por lo que es esencial conocer los mecanismos de regulación genéticos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar los cambios en la expresión génica en tarwi durante el crecimiento de las yemas florales por RNA-seq. Se realizó selección por precocidad, peso de 100 semillas, sobrevivencia a estrés hídrico, contenido de microelementos y proteínas solubles totales, determinándose alto potencial en la accesión P11. El secuenciamiento Illumina y análisis bioinformático mostró 2340 genes diferencialmente expresados (DEGs), con 1443 genes sobreexpresados, y 897 subexpresados. La ontología génica mostró 584 genes sobreexpresados y 84 subexpresados relacionados con proceso biológico; 782 genes estuvieron sobreexpresados y 228 subexpresados en componente celular; 877 genes sobreexpresados y 156 subexpresados se encontraron en función molecular. En el análisis de rutas metabólicas, la biosíntesis de metabolitos secundarios, biosíntesis de fenolpropanoides, e interconversión de pentosas y glucuronato se activaron durante el desarrollo de la inflorescencia. Los DEGs más importantes en el desarrollo de la inflorescencia en tarwi fueron factor de transcripción IIIA, diana de monópteros 6, AGAMOUS-LIKE30. Este estudio proporcionó las bases para comprender los mecanismos genéticos que regulan el crecimiento y desarrollo de la inflorescencia del tarwi para ser aplicados en programas de mejoramiento genético.
Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) is important for its high macro and micronutrients. Seed production depends on flowering; thus, it is essential to understand the genetic mechanisms of regulation. The objective of this research was to analyze changes in genetic expression in tarwi during the growth of flower buds, by RNA-seq. Selection by precocity, 100-seed weight, water stress survival, microelements and total soluble protein contents determined the high potential of accession P11. Illumina sequencing and bioinformatic analysis showed 2340 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) with 1443 upregulated genes and 897 downregulated ones. Gen ontology showed 584 upregulated genes and 84 downregulated genes related to biological process; 782 genes were upregulated and 228 downregulated in cellular component; 877 upregulated genes and 156 downregulated genes were found in molecular function. In the metabolic pathways analysis, secondary metabolite biosynthesis, phenolpropanoid biosynthesis and pentose and glucuronate interconversions were activated during flower development. The most important DEGs in tarwi flower development were transcription factor IIIA, target of monoptera 6 and AGAMOUS-LIKE30. This study provided the basis to understand the genetic mechanisms that regulated flower bud growth and development in tarwi, to be applied in tarwi improvement programs.
Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) is important for its high macro and micronutrients. Seed production depends on flowering; thus, it is essential to understand the genetic mechanisms of regulation. The objective of this research was to analyze changes in genetic expression in tarwi during the growth of flower buds, by RNA-seq. Selection by precocity, 100-seed weight, water stress survival, microelements and total soluble protein contents determined the high potential of accession P11. Illumina sequencing and bioinformatic analysis showed 2340 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) with 1443 upregulated genes and 897 downregulated ones. Gen ontology showed 584 upregulated genes and 84 downregulated genes related to biological process; 782 genes were upregulated and 228 downregulated in cellular component; 877 upregulated genes and 156 downregulated genes were found in molecular function. In the metabolic pathways analysis, secondary metabolite biosynthesis, phenolpropanoid biosynthesis and pentose and glucuronate interconversions were activated during flower development. The most important DEGs in tarwi flower development were transcription factor IIIA, target of monoptera 6 and AGAMOUS-LIKE30. This study provided the basis to understand the genetic mechanisms that regulated flower bud growth and development in tarwi, to be applied in tarwi improvement programs.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Mejoramiento Genético de Plantas
Lupinus mmutabilis; Variedades; Brotación; Regulación; Sustancias de crecimiento vegetal; Dosis de aplicación; Yema (Planta); Etapas de desarrollo de la planta; Rendimiento de cultivos; Diseño experimental; Evaluación; Perú
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