Modelamiento de sequías agrícolas en la región sur del Perú mediante el uso de funciones cópula
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Cabrera Cabrera, Juan Walter
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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo modelar la ocurrencia de sequías agrícolas en la cuenca alta de los ríos Locumba y Caplina utilizando funciones de distribución de probabilidades multivariadas, conocidas como funciones cópula. Como primer paso, se evaluó la influencia que ejerce el ENSO, la temperatura del aire y la temperatura superficial del mar en las diferentes zonas ENSO sobre la ocurrencia de sequías agrícolas. El análisis mostró que las correlaciones existentes con los índices ENSO son bajas y muy bajas, motivo por el cual se descartó su uso; en cambio, la Temperatura superficial del mar en la zona 1+2 (SST1+2) y la temperatura del aire (T) mostraron correlación media, por lo que fueron seleccionadas para la construcción del modelo. Con las variables definidas se procedió a evaluar las familias de cópulas que mejor se ajustan a las series de datos, usando el estadístico de Cramer Von Mises, y posteriormente se estimaron los parámetros de las cópulas con mejor ajuste en base al método de máxima pseudo verosimilitud, encontrando que la familia de cópulas que representa mejor la relación entre los índices SPI3 y EMI es la cópula t-Student, mientras que las cópulas que representa mejor la relación entre SPI3 y Temperatura del aire y la relación entre SPI3 y SST1+2 es la tipo Frank. Posteriormente, se construyó una cópula tridimensional considerando las variables que presentaron mayor correlación con el índice de sequías SPI3, quedando definido de esta manera el modelo buscado. Finalmente se procedió a estimar la probabilidad de ocurrencia conjunta bajo condiciones de sequía extrema, encontrándose que estas ocurren con mayor frecuencia bajo condiciones de temperaturas medias del aire entre 10°C a 12|°C, y temperaturas superficiales del mar en la zona 1+2 entre 24°C a 26°C.
The present study aims to model the occurrence of agricultural droughts in the upper basin of the Locumba and Caplina rivers using multivariate probability distribution functions, known as copula functions. As a first step, the influence exerted by ENSO, air temperature and sea surface temperature in the different ENSO zones on the occurrence of agricultural droughts was evaluated. The analysis showed that the existing correlations with the ENSO indices are low and very low, which is why their use was ruled out; On the other hand, the Sea Surface Temperature in zone 1+2 (SST1+2) and the air temperature (T) showed medium correlation, so they were selected for the construction of the model. With the defined variables, the families of copulas that best fit the data series were evaluated, using the Cramer Von Mises statistic, and subsequently the parameters of the copulas with the best fit were estimated based on the maximum pseudo likelihood method. , finding that the family of copulas that best represents the relationship between the SPI3 and EMI indices is the t-Student copula, while the copulas that best represent the relationship between SPI3 and Air Temperature and the relationship between SPI3 and SST1+2 is the Frank type. Subsequently, a three-dimensional copula was constructed considering the variables that presented the greatest correlation with the SPI3 drought index, thus defining the desired model. Finally, we proceeded to estimate the probability of joint occurrence under conditions of extreme drought, finding that these occur more frequently under conditions of average air temperatures between 10°C to 12|°C, and sea surface temperatures in zone 1+ 2 between 24°C to 26°C.
The present study aims to model the occurrence of agricultural droughts in the upper basin of the Locumba and Caplina rivers using multivariate probability distribution functions, known as copula functions. As a first step, the influence exerted by ENSO, air temperature and sea surface temperature in the different ENSO zones on the occurrence of agricultural droughts was evaluated. The analysis showed that the existing correlations with the ENSO indices are low and very low, which is why their use was ruled out; On the other hand, the Sea Surface Temperature in zone 1+2 (SST1+2) and the air temperature (T) showed medium correlation, so they were selected for the construction of the model. With the defined variables, the families of copulas that best fit the data series were evaluated, using the Cramer Von Mises statistic, and subsequently the parameters of the copulas with the best fit were estimated based on the maximum pseudo likelihood method. , finding that the family of copulas that best represents the relationship between the SPI3 and EMI indices is the t-Student copula, while the copulas that best represent the relationship between SPI3 and Air Temperature and the relationship between SPI3 and SST1+2 is the Frank type. Subsequently, a three-dimensional copula was constructed considering the variables that presented the greatest correlation with the SPI3 drought index, thus defining the desired model. Finally, we proceeded to estimate the probability of joint occurrence under conditions of extreme drought, finding that these occur more frequently under conditions of average air temperatures between 10°C to 12|°C, and sea surface temperatures in zone 1+ 2 between 24°C to 26°C.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Recursos Hídricos
Modelo probabilístico
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