Análisis de la implementación de intervenciones de reconstrucción a cargo del programa subsectorial de irrigaciones en la región La Libertad
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Angulo Alcántara, Jovanna Melissa
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El presente Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional tiene como objeto analizar la ejecución de 27 intervenciones de reconstrucción, agrupadas en agrupados en 22 inversiones, en la región La Libertad, ejecutadas por la Unidad Ejecutora Programa Subsectorial de Irrigaciones durante el periodo 2018-2022. En ese sentido, se recopiló toda la información disponible de las inversiones, como contratos, resoluciones de aprobación de expedientes técnicos, resoluciones de ampliación de plazo, resolución de liquidaciones e informes de seguimiento elaborados por la Unidad Ejecutora. Posteriormente, se sistematizó la información y se elaboró una matriz de seguimiento en la cual se registraron los plazos contractuales iniciales y finales de la ejecución física de las inversiones. De esta manera, se identificaron las problemáticas ocurridas en cada inversión que conllevaron a extender los plazos de ejecución. Como resultado del análisis efectuado, se obtuvo que, ninguna de las 22 inversiones fue ejecutada en el plazo inicial contractual. En el caso de la elaboración de los expedientes técnicos la causa más recurrente de retraso fue el incumplimiento del levantamiento de observaciones por parte de los consultores. Asimismo, en el caso de ejecución de obra, la causa más frecuente de suspensiones y ampliaciones de plazo, fue debido a las campañas de riego de los agricultores; ya que, el uso del canal impedía continuar la ejecución de este.
The purpose of this Professional Sufficiency Work is to analyze the execution of 27 reconstruction interventions, grouped into 22 investments, in the La Libertad region, executed by the Irrigation Subsector Program Execution Unit during the period 2018-2022. In this sense, all available information on investments was collected, such as contracts, resolutions approving technical files, resolutions to extend the deadline, settlement resolutions and monitoring reports prepared by the Execution Unit. Subsequently, the information was systematized and a monitoring matrix was prepared in which the initial and final contractual deadlines for the physical execution of the investments were recorded. In this way, the problems that occurred in each investment that led to extending the execution deadlines were identified. As a result of the analysis carried out, it was obtained that none of the 22 investments was executed within the initial contractual period. In the case of the preparation of technical files, the most recurrent cause of delay was the failure of the consultants to collect observations. Likewise, in the case of work execution, the most frequent cause of suspensions and deadline extensions was due to farmers' irrigation campaigns; since the use of the channel prevented continuing with its execution.
The purpose of this Professional Sufficiency Work is to analyze the execution of 27 reconstruction interventions, grouped into 22 investments, in the La Libertad region, executed by the Irrigation Subsector Program Execution Unit during the period 2018-2022. In this sense, all available information on investments was collected, such as contracts, resolutions approving technical files, resolutions to extend the deadline, settlement resolutions and monitoring reports prepared by the Execution Unit. Subsequently, the information was systematized and a monitoring matrix was prepared in which the initial and final contractual deadlines for the physical execution of the investments were recorded. In this way, the problems that occurred in each investment that led to extending the execution deadlines were identified. As a result of the analysis carried out, it was obtained that none of the 22 investments was executed within the initial contractual period. In the case of the preparation of technical files, the most recurrent cause of delay was the failure of the consultants to collect observations. Likewise, in the case of work execution, the most frequent cause of suspensions and deadline extensions was due to farmers' irrigation campaigns; since the use of the channel prevented continuing with its execution.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Ordenamiento Territorial y Construcción
Riego; Construcción; Sistemas de riego; Inversión agrícola responsable; Evaluación; Perú; Región La Libertad
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