Sediment transport calculation in two dimensions using the Einstein´s procedure a case study: the Zaire river
Mejía Marcacuzco, Jesús Abel
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Several one dimensional models for sediment transport calculations in open channel flows have been developed. Einstein model <1950) is one of the most advanced method for the computation of bed-load and suspended-load, because the begining and the end of the particle motion have to be expressed with the concept of probability, which relates instantaneous hydrodynamic lift forces to the articles weight. The bed load equation expresses an equilibrium condition of the exchange of bed particles between the bed layer and the bed. This implies that the number of particles deposited per unit time and per unit bed area must be equal to the number of particles eroded per unit time and unit bed area. Hence the goal of this thesis is limited to the study of the application of the Einstein model in the traditional way and in the two-dimensional approach based on measured hydraulic data of nine cross sections in the Zaire river; the results have been quite successful. From the result obtained by the Einstein model, it was found that the calculated sediment transport rate underestimates the measured transport rate
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Recursos Hídricos
República democrática del Congo; Cursos de agua; Sedimentos; Sedimentación; Velocidad; Modelos matemáticos; Evaluación; Modelo Einstein; Río Zaire
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