Mezclas de fertilizantes sintéticos en rendimiento de brócoli usando la metodología participativa en la comunidad Pungal San Miguel, Guano, Ecuador
Carrillo Riofrío, Fabián Miguel
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Se realizó una investigación en la comunidad Pungal San Miguel, Cantón Guano, Provincia de Chimborazo, Ecuador, con los siguientes objetivos: (i) determinar las mezclas de fertilizantes sintéticos obtenidas de manera participativa que influyen en el rendimiento del cultivo de brócoli en la comunidad PSM; (ii) caracterizar a los productores de brócoli de PSM y el manejo del cultivo; (iii) identificar y determinar de manera participativa que factores afectan el rendimiento del cultivo; y (iv) diseñar y evaluar conjuntamente con los agricultores los diversos tratamientos de mezclas fertilizantes en el cultivo de brócoli. Se evaluó el efecto de cuatro mezclas de fertilizantes sintéticos en el rendimiento del cultivo de brócoli en las variedades Legacy y Avenger, usando la metodología participativa (MP). Se consideró la participación de las treinta personas de la comunidad Pungal San Miguel (PSM) para todas las labores culturales del cultivo y también para la decisión de todos los temas de la investigación. Se realizaron varios talleres, reuniones y conversaciones sobre valiosas ideas que se reflejaron en los resultados de este trabajo. Se obtuvo información sobre altura de la planta, número de hojas y número de hijuelos a los 28, 46, 60 y 74 días luego del trasplante y datos tales como días hasta la aparición de la cabeza de brócoli (pella) y rendimiento. Además, se realizó una encuesta con preguntas para obtener la caracterización de los productores de la comunidad PSM. En lo referente a los resultados, se identificó que: (i) los tratamientos y mezclas de fertilizantes en el cultivo de brócoli se diseñaron y evaluaron de forma participativa con los agricultores de PSM con el éxito deseado en cuanto a su nivel de participación y resultados esperados, donde el brócoli de la variedad Legacy, con la aplicación de las cuatro mezclas de fertilizantes obtenidas de manera participativa, fue la que obtuvo el mayor rendimiento con 12,16 t/ha; (ii) la mayoría de productores de brócoli de PSM se caracterizan por estar entre los 30 a 39 años de edad, son varones en su mayoría, tienen la primaria completa, su principal actividad económica es la agricultura, su cultivo principal es el brócoli, la superficie que dedican es el solar (1764 m2), obtienen bajos rendimientos en el cultivo debido a fertilización inadecuada.
An investigation was conducted in the Pungal San Miguel community, Guano Canton, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador with the following objectives: (i) to determine the synthetic fertilizer mixtures obtained in a participatory manner that influence the performance of the broccoli culture in the PSM community; (ii) to characterize broccoli producers of PSM and crop management; (iii) to identify and determine in a participatory manner which factors affect crop yield; and (iv) to design and evaluate together with farmers the different treatments of fertilizer mixtures in broccoli cultivation. The effect of four mixtures of synthetic fertilizers in the crop yield of two broccoli varieties (Legacy and Avenger), using the Participatory Methodology (PM), was evaluated. Thirty people of the PSM community were involved in the agronomic management of the crop and also in the decision of all the research topic. Several workshops, meetings and conversations about important ideas were conducted. Information about height of the plant, number of leaves, number of hijuelos were taken at 28, 46, 60 and 74 days after transplant and also data about days of appearance of the broccoli head (pella) appearance and yield. Also, a survey with questions to obtain the characterization of the producers of the PSM community, was conducted. Regarding the results, it was identified that: (i) the treatments and mixtures of fertilizers in the broccoli culture were designed and evaluated in a participatory way with the farmers of PSM with the desired success in terms of their level of participation and results expected. The Legacy variety resulted in the highest yield (12.16 ton/ha).Most of the broccoli producers in the PSM were 30-39 years all, most were men with elementary education, their main crop is broccoli, the surface they cultivated one solar (1764 m2) and then obtain low crop yields in the due to inadequate fertilization.
An investigation was conducted in the Pungal San Miguel community, Guano Canton, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador with the following objectives: (i) to determine the synthetic fertilizer mixtures obtained in a participatory manner that influence the performance of the broccoli culture in the PSM community; (ii) to characterize broccoli producers of PSM and crop management; (iii) to identify and determine in a participatory manner which factors affect crop yield; and (iv) to design and evaluate together with farmers the different treatments of fertilizer mixtures in broccoli cultivation. The effect of four mixtures of synthetic fertilizers in the crop yield of two broccoli varieties (Legacy and Avenger), using the Participatory Methodology (PM), was evaluated. Thirty people of the PSM community were involved in the agronomic management of the crop and also in the decision of all the research topic. Several workshops, meetings and conversations about important ideas were conducted. Information about height of the plant, number of leaves, number of hijuelos were taken at 28, 46, 60 and 74 days after transplant and also data about days of appearance of the broccoli head (pella) appearance and yield. Also, a survey with questions to obtain the characterization of the producers of the PSM community, was conducted. Regarding the results, it was identified that: (i) the treatments and mixtures of fertilizers in the broccoli culture were designed and evaluated in a participatory way with the farmers of PSM with the desired success in terms of their level of participation and results expected. The Legacy variety resulted in the highest yield (12.16 ton/ha).Most of the broccoli producers in the PSM were 30-39 years all, most were men with elementary education, their main crop is broccoli, the surface they cultivated one solar (1764 m2) and then obtain low crop yields in the due to inadequate fertilization.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Innovación Agraria para el Desarrollo Rural
Brassica oleracea italica; Abonos compuestos; Rendimiento de cultivos; Desempeño de cultivos; Comunidades rurales; Manejo del cultivo; Evaluación; Factores de rendimiento; Ecuador; Perú; Productores; Fertilizantes sintéticos; Comunidad Pungal San Miguel; Chimborazo (prov)
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