Predicción de renuncia voluntaria de colaboradores con perfil tecnológico de una entidad financiera utilizando regresión logística binaria
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Romero Montoya, Renzo Rubén
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Las entidades financieras necesitan estar a la vanguardia de la tecnología para poder competir contra otras organizaciones del mismo rubro, por lo cual es fundamental no perder y retener a los colaboradores con perfiles tecnológicos, ya que ello significaría una gran pérdida de conocimientos y dinero, lo que pondría en riesgo la continuidad del negocio. Una forma de prever estas posibles pérdidas es mediante técnicas estadísticas como la regresión logística. En el presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional se describe la manera en la que se aplicó la regresión logística apoyándose en la metodología CRISP, para así obtener una clasificación correcta del 60% en la ocurrencia trimestral de la decisión de renunciar del colaborador con perfil tecnológico y reducir su indicador de rotación voluntaria trimestral hasta casi un 1.5%.
Financial entities need to be at the forefront of technology to be able to compete against other organizations in the same field, which is why it is essential not to lose and retain collaborators with technological profiles, since this would mean a great loss of knowledge and money, which that would put business continuity at risk. One way to predict these possible losses is through statistical techniques such as logistic regression. This professional sufficiency work describes the way in which logistic regression was applied based on the CRISP methodology, to obtain a correct classification of 60% in the quarterly occurrence of the decision to resign of the collaborator with a technological profile and reduce its quarterly voluntary turnover indicator up to almost 1.5%.
Financial entities need to be at the forefront of technology to be able to compete against other organizations in the same field, which is why it is essential not to lose and retain collaborators with technological profiles, since this would mean a great loss of knowledge and money, which that would put business continuity at risk. One way to predict these possible losses is through statistical techniques such as logistic regression. This professional sufficiency work describes the way in which logistic regression was applied based on the CRISP methodology, to obtain a correct classification of 60% in the quarterly occurrence of the decision to resign of the collaborator with a technological profile and reduce its quarterly voluntary turnover indicator up to almost 1.5%.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Estadística e Informática
Trabajadores; Tecnología; Administración financiera; Instituciones financieras; Renuncia; Evaluación económica; Predicciones económicas; Análisis económico
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