Estabilización de taludes y trabajos preliminares para la revegetación en el acceso a la central hidroeléctrica Cerro del Águila
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Caballero Beltran, Daniel Antonio
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La central hidroeléctrica Cerro del Águila enfrenta desafíos en la operación de producción de energía debido a problemas de acceso a sus campamentos, causados por un deslizamiento de talud que interrumpe el transporte en la zona. En respuesta a esta problemática, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio exhaustivo que abarca la estabilización de taludes y la revegetación de áreas afectadas. El estudio incluyó análisis topográficos para comprender la magnitud del deslizamiento y la cantidad de tierra desplazada, así como investigaciones geomecánicas para caracterizar el suelo y determinar su resistencia triaxial, información crucial para diseñar la estructura de estabilización. Se evaluaron cuatro alternativas de estabilización, siendo los muros de suelo Terramesh la opción más adecuada debido a su sostenibilidad y capacidad para soportar la revegetación en la zona. La estabilidad de la estructura se calculó utilizando el software Macstar, obteniendo factores de seguridad estáticos y pseudoestáticos de 2.737 y 1.708, respectivamente, que confirman la robustez de la solución. Dado que las precipitaciones constantes en la región representan un riesgo desestabilizador, se diseñó un sistema de drenaje complementario. Como resultado de este proceso de diseño, se generaron planos de construcción para las estructuras y el sistema de drenaje. Además, se realizaron cálculos de metrado y movimiento de tierras, así como la elaboración de un presupuesto y un cronograma de ejecución basados en datos de Kallpa, la empresa responsable. Este enfoque innovador, que prioriza la revegetación para lograr sostenibilidad ambiental, presenta una perspectiva novedosa en las soluciones de estabilización en áreas donde la preservación del entorno natural es fundamental. En conjunto, este estudio no solo aborda los desafíos inmediatos de la central hidroeléctrica, sino que también contribuye a la evolución de las prácticas de estabilización en entornos naturales sensibles.
The Cerro del Águila hydroelectric power plant faces challenges in the operation of energy production due to access problems to its camps, caused by a landslide that interrupts transportation in the area. In response to this issue, a comprehensive study has been carried out, including slope stabilization and revegetation of affected areas. The study included topographic analyses to understand the magnitude of the landslide and the amount of soil displaced, as well as geomechanical investigations to characterize the soil and determine its triaxial strength, crucial information for designing the stabilization structure. Four stabilization alternatives were evaluated, with Terramesh soil walls being the most suitable option due to their sustainability and ability to support revegetation in the area. The stability of the structure was calculated using Macstar software, obtaining static and pseudo-static safety factors of 2.737 and 1.708, respectively, which confirm the robustness of the solution. Since constant rainfall in the region represents a destabilizing risk, a complementary drainage system was designed. As a result of this design process, construction drawings were generated for the structures and the drainage system. In addition, metering and earthwork calculations were carried out, as well as the preparation of a budget and execution schedule based on data from Kallpa, the responsible company. This innovative approach, which prioritizes revegetation for environmental sustainability, presents a novel perspective on stabilization solutions in areas where preservation of the natural environment is critical. Overall, this study not only addresses the immediate challenges of the hydropower plant, but also contributes to the evolution of stabilization practices in sensitive natural environments.
The Cerro del Águila hydroelectric power plant faces challenges in the operation of energy production due to access problems to its camps, caused by a landslide that interrupts transportation in the area. In response to this issue, a comprehensive study has been carried out, including slope stabilization and revegetation of affected areas. The study included topographic analyses to understand the magnitude of the landslide and the amount of soil displaced, as well as geomechanical investigations to characterize the soil and determine its triaxial strength, crucial information for designing the stabilization structure. Four stabilization alternatives were evaluated, with Terramesh soil walls being the most suitable option due to their sustainability and ability to support revegetation in the area. The stability of the structure was calculated using Macstar software, obtaining static and pseudo-static safety factors of 2.737 and 1.708, respectively, which confirm the robustness of the solution. Since constant rainfall in the region represents a destabilizing risk, a complementary drainage system was designed. As a result of this design process, construction drawings were generated for the structures and the drainage system. In addition, metering and earthwork calculations were carried out, as well as the preparation of a budget and execution schedule based on data from Kallpa, the responsible company. This innovative approach, which prioritizes revegetation for environmental sustainability, presents a novel perspective on stabilization solutions in areas where preservation of the natural environment is critical. Overall, this study not only addresses the immediate challenges of the hydropower plant, but also contributes to the evolution of stabilization practices in sensitive natural environments.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Ordenamiento Territorial y Construcción
Central hidroeléctrica; Terreno en declive; Estabilización del suelo; Cubierta vegetal; Evaluación; Perú; Central hidroeléctica cerro del águila
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