Influencia de factores socioeconómicos y ambientales sobre la adopción de tecnologías silvopastoriles por productores ganaderos, distrito de Molinopampa, Amazonas, Perú
Oliva Cruz, Segundo Manuel
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El objetivo general de esta investigación fue analizar el efecto de los factores sociales y culturales en el grado de adopción de cacao entre productores agrícolas del distrito de Santa María de Nieva, en la provincia de Condorcanqui, en la región Amazonas. La investigación se llevó a cabo en cuatro comunidades Awajún (Santa Rosa de Pagkintsa, Tayuntsa, Putuyacat y Najain Paradise) y cuatro caseríos de colonos (Seasme Nuevo, San José de Japaime, José Olaya y Parcelación Monterrico). Estas están ubicadas en la selva tropical con fuertes lluvias, altas temperaturas (hasta 35 °C) y humedad relativa que supera el 90%. La metodología incluyó un censo de las comunidades seleccionadas. La mayoría de ellas eran parte del Proyecto de Desarrollo Productivo del Cacao en Comunidades Indígenas de la Provincia de Condorcanqui. El proyecto se ejecutó en el período 2006 - 2009 e incluyó la instalación de cultivo de cacao, mejoramiento genético, asistencia técnica, capacitación y organización. La recopilación de datos de la investigación incluyó técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas. Lo primero se basó en una encuesta de 90 preguntas que se aplicó a 153 agricultores e incluía información sociodemográfica y productiva, así como sobre conocimiento, asistencia técnica, costumbres y adopción del cultivo. La parte cualitativa incluyó entrevistas y visitas de campo a las parcelas de cacao. Los resultados permitieron la triangulación. Se utilizó SPSS 21.0 para analizar los resultados de campo. La significación estadística fue probada usando Spearman Rho y Chi cuadrado de Pearson. Los hallazgos mostraron la alta significación estadística entre el conocimiento y la adopción de cacao para ambas poblaciones. La influencia de la asistencia técnica en relación a la adopción de cacao fue altamente significativa para los productores Awajún y significativa para los colonos. El uso de la minga (trabajo comunitario) no tuvo efecto sobre la adopción de cacao en ninguna de las dos poblaciones.
The overall objective of this research was to analyze the effect of social and cultural factors in the degree of adoption of cocoa among agricultural producers in the district of Santa Maria de Nieva in the province of Condorcanqui in the Amazonas region. The research was conducted in four Awajun native communities (Santa Rosa de Pagkintsa, Tayuntsa, Putuyacat and Najaim Paraíso) and four villages (Seasme Nuevo, San Jose de Japaime, Jose Olaya and Parcelacion Monterrico). They are located in the tropical rainforest with heavy rainfall, high temperatures (up to 35°C) and relative humidity that exceeds 90%. The methodology included a census of the selected communities. Most of them were part of the Cocoa Production Development Project in Indigenous Communities of the Province of Condorcanqui. The project took place in the period 2006 – 2009 and included the installation of cocoa plantations, genetic improvement, technical assistance, capacity building and organization. Research data collection included both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The former was based on a 90-questions survey that was applied to 153 farmers and included sociodemographic and productive information, as well as knowledge, technical assistance, customs and adoption. The latter included interviews and field visits to the cocoa plots. Results allowed data triangulation. SPSS 21 was used to analyze field results. Statistical significance was tested using Spearman Rho and Pearson Chi square. A high statistical significance between knowledge and the adoption of cocoa for both populations was found. As per the influence of technical assistance, the relationship with cocoa adoption is highly significant for Awajun producers and significant for the settlers. The use of minga (community group work) has no effect on cocoa adoption in either population.
The overall objective of this research was to analyze the effect of social and cultural factors in the degree of adoption of cocoa among agricultural producers in the district of Santa Maria de Nieva in the province of Condorcanqui in the Amazonas region. The research was conducted in four Awajun native communities (Santa Rosa de Pagkintsa, Tayuntsa, Putuyacat and Najaim Paraíso) and four villages (Seasme Nuevo, San Jose de Japaime, Jose Olaya and Parcelacion Monterrico). They are located in the tropical rainforest with heavy rainfall, high temperatures (up to 35°C) and relative humidity that exceeds 90%. The methodology included a census of the selected communities. Most of them were part of the Cocoa Production Development Project in Indigenous Communities of the Province of Condorcanqui. The project took place in the period 2006 – 2009 and included the installation of cocoa plantations, genetic improvement, technical assistance, capacity building and organization. Research data collection included both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The former was based on a 90-questions survey that was applied to 153 farmers and included sociodemographic and productive information, as well as knowledge, technical assistance, customs and adoption. The latter included interviews and field visits to the cocoa plots. Results allowed data triangulation. SPSS 21 was used to analyze field results. Statistical significance was tested using Spearman Rho and Pearson Chi square. A high statistical significance between knowledge and the adoption of cocoa for both populations was found. As per the influence of technical assistance, the relationship with cocoa adoption is highly significant for Awajun producers and significant for the settlers. The use of minga (community group work) has no effect on cocoa adoption in either population.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Innovación Agraria para el Desarrollo Rural
Región Amazonas; Chachapoyas (prov); Molinopampa (dist); Aliso; Perú; Ganado bovino; Explotaciones agrarias; Producción animal; Alnus; Sistemas silvopascicolas; Factores ambientales; Situación económica; Adopción de innovaciones; Tecnología apropiada; Evaluación
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