Determination of the availability of payment for conservation and improvement activities of wetlands ecosystem of the Huaraz City, Peru
Alarcón, JA
Flores, E
Barrantes, C
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El Método de Valoración Contingente (MVC) fue utilizado con el propósito de determinar la intención de pago (IDP) de los ciudadanos en la ciudad de Huaraz - Perú (Región Ancash) con el fin de estimar un financiamiento para subsidiar el diseño e implementación de las actividades de conservación y restauración de un ecosistema de humedales. Para estimar la IDP, se usó el modelo probabilístico LOGIT; el cual es base de las proposiciones teóricas de Bishop-Heberlein. Los resultados indicaron que las variables más influenciables en la (IDP), son una serie de variables de “apreciación” (de los ciudadanos) respecto a la importancia ecológica de los humedales en la región. Sin embargo, las variables socioeconómicas, como los ingresos, la edad, educación, etc., no fueron muy significativos en explicar la variación en la intención de pago. El mejor indicador estadístico para medir la IDP fue la media, que se estimó al $1.05 USD/familia/mes, revelando que la Región Ancash (Perú) podría erigirse anualmente por un estimado de $312,266 USD. Una importante conclusión es que la valoración económica es la llave para diseñar e implementar actividades de conservación y mejoramiento de los humedales, este sería el comienzo de un proceso que terminaría exitosamente si son completados algunos escalones pendientes.
Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) was used with the purpose of determining the willingness to pay (WTP) of the citizens of Huaraz city - Peru (Ancash Region) in order to estimate a financial to subsidize the design and implementation of conservation and restoration activities of the wetland ecosystem. To estimate the WTP, a LOGIT probabilistic model was use; which is base on the theoretical proposal of Bishop-Heberlein. Results indicate that the most influential variables in the WTP, are a set of variables of "appreciation" (of te citizen´s) regarding the ecological importance of the wetlands in their region. However, socioeconomic variables, such as income, age, education, etc., were not significant in explaining the WTP variation. The best statistical indicator for measuring the WTP was the median, which was estimated at $1.05 USD/family/month, revealing that in Ancash region (Peru) it could raise annually by an estimated of $312,266 USD. An important conclusion is that economic valuation is key to design and implement activities of conservation and improvement of the wetlands, this being the beginning of a process that will end successfully if some remaining steps are completed.
Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) was used with the purpose of determining the willingness to pay (WTP) of the citizens of Huaraz city - Peru (Ancash Region) in order to estimate a financial to subsidize the design and implementation of conservation and restoration activities of the wetland ecosystem. To estimate the WTP, a LOGIT probabilistic model was use; which is base on the theoretical proposal of Bishop-Heberlein. Results indicate that the most influential variables in the WTP, are a set of variables of "appreciation" (of te citizen´s) regarding the ecological importance of the wetlands in their region. However, socioeconomic variables, such as income, age, education, etc., were not significant in explaining the WTP variation. The best statistical indicator for measuring the WTP was the median, which was estimated at $1.05 USD/family/month, revealing that in Ancash region (Peru) it could raise annually by an estimated of $312,266 USD. An important conclusion is that economic valuation is key to design and implement activities of conservation and improvement of the wetlands, this being the beginning of a process that will end successfully if some remaining steps are completed.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Economía y Planificación
Humedales; Región Ancash; Pantano
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