Operación y mantenimiento de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales para riego de jardines del distrito de San Miguel
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Raymi Román, Julio César
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La municipalidad de San Miguel ha venido desarrollando proyectos en los últimos años, y ejecutando obras que se orientan al mejoramiento del ornato y conservación de las áreas públicas, cuyo fin es la conservación y mejora de la calidad de vida de la población del distrito. Por ello, a través del mecanismo de financiamiento de Asociación Público-Privada (APP), firma el contrato de concesión para el tratamiento de aguas residuales con fines de reúso para el servicio de riego de parques y jardines del distrito. El contrato se firmó con la empresa Aguas de San Miguel S.A.C en el año 2011, y tiene una vigencia de 30 años. En él se estipula que la empresa concesionaria se debe encargar de la elaboración del expediente técnico y estudio de impacto ambiental, de la construcción de la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales San Miguel II (PTAR II) y de la instalación de las líneas de impulsión para la distribución del agua tratada a los 49 parques y cinco avenidas del distrito; asimismo debe encargarse de la operación y mantenimiento de la PTAR II. Durante el periodo de concesión, la municipalidad pagará mensualmente a la empresa por el tratamiento y distribución del agua tratada en los parques y avenidas seleccionadas. Bajo el escenario actual de escasez de agua dulce a nivel mundial, las ciudades costeñas de nuestro país tienen que afrontar esta problemática, por lo cual resulta una buena alternativa el tratamiento y reúso de las aguas residuales, porque se evita el uso indiscriminado del agua potable. La tecnología instalada quedará para la municipalidad al término del periodo del contrato, y se ha determinado un ahorro de 32,286.07 soles mensuales por el uso del agua residual tratada, ya que el importe facturado por Aguas de San Miguel es de S/. 123,467.33 y el monto que se pagaba a SEDAPAL para el riego de jardines era de S/ 155,753.40.
The municipality of San Miguel has been developing projects in recent years, and executing works aimed at improving the ornamentation and conservation of public areas, whose purpose is the conservation and improvement of the quality of life of the district's population. Therefore, through the Public-Private Partnership financing mechanism, it signed the concession contract for the treatment of wastewater for reuse for the irrigation of parks and gardens in the district. The contract was signed with Aguas de San Miguel S.A.C. in 2011 and is valid for 30 years. The contract stipulates that the concessionaire is responsible for preparing the technical file and environmental impact study, building the San Miguel II Wastewater Treatment Plant and installing the impulsion lines for distributing treated water to the district's 49 parks and five avenues; it is also responsible for operating and maintaining. During the concession period, the municipality will pay the company monthly for the treatment and distribution of treated water to the selected parks and avenues. In the current scenario of worldwide freshwater scarcity, our country's coastal cities have to face this problem, which makes wastewater treatment and reuse a good alternative because it avoids the indiscriminate use of potable water. The installed technology will remain for the municipality at the end of the contract period, and a saving of 32,286.07 soles per month has been determined for the use of treated wastewater, since the amount billed by Aguas de San Miguel is S/. 123,467.33 and the amount paid to SEDAPAL for garden irrigation was S/. 155,753.40.
The municipality of San Miguel has been developing projects in recent years, and executing works aimed at improving the ornamentation and conservation of public areas, whose purpose is the conservation and improvement of the quality of life of the district's population. Therefore, through the Public-Private Partnership financing mechanism, it signed the concession contract for the treatment of wastewater for reuse for the irrigation of parks and gardens in the district. The contract was signed with Aguas de San Miguel S.A.C. in 2011 and is valid for 30 years. The contract stipulates that the concessionaire is responsible for preparing the technical file and environmental impact study, building the San Miguel II Wastewater Treatment Plant and installing the impulsion lines for distributing treated water to the district's 49 parks and five avenues; it is also responsible for operating and maintaining. During the concession period, the municipality will pay the company monthly for the treatment and distribution of treated water to the selected parks and avenues. In the current scenario of worldwide freshwater scarcity, our country's coastal cities have to face this problem, which makes wastewater treatment and reuse a good alternative because it avoids the indiscriminate use of potable water. The installed technology will remain for the municipality at the end of the contract period, and a saving of 32,286.07 soles per month has been determined for the use of treated wastewater, since the amount billed by Aguas de San Miguel is S/. 123,467.33 and the amount paid to SEDAPAL for garden irrigation was S/. 155,753.40.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Ordenamiento Territorial y Construcción
Planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales
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