Diseño de un hogar refugio para mujeres víctimas de violencia en la provincia de Anta, Cusco, Perú
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Loja Curay, Natalia Valeria
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Este anteproyecto arquitectónico se logró siguiendo una metodología aplicada de acuerdo a las necesidades de las futuras usuarias y en concordancia con los dispositivos normativos del caso. Se inició con la recopilación de información de la zona, la toma de conocimiento de los problemas de las mujeres en situación de violencia, análisis y síntesis de la información recopilada y la definición de los criterios de diseño arquitectónico. Luego, se desarrolló la documentación gráfica (planos) requerida para el refugio. El desarrollo del diseño se hizo respetando la normativa correspondiente al Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones y los lineamientos para la atención y funcionamiento de los hogares de refugio temporal emitido por el MIMP. Como parte del proceso del diseño arquitectónico, se evaluó térmicamente la parte más sensible de la infraestructura para las usuarias, el bloque de dormitorios, mediante un análisis de intercambio térmico y se propuso las mejoras de diseño para lograr, en dicho bloque, una zona de confort adecuada para sus usuarias; obteniéndose un balance térmico igual a cero, por lo que se logró el resultado deseado impidiendo que no se pierda el calor ganado y consecuentemente, siendo acertada la propuesta de los materiales constructivos.
This architectural project was achieved following a methodology applied according to the needs of future users and in accordance with the regulatory provisions of the case. It began with the collection of information from the area, awareness of the problems of women in situations of violence, analysis and synthesis of the information collected and the definition of architectural design criteria. Then, the graphic documentation (plans) required for the shelter was developed. The development of the design was made respecting the regulations corresponding to the National Building Regulations and the guidelines for the care and operation of temporary shelter homes issued by the MIMP. As part of the architectural design process, the most sensitive part of the infrastructure for the users, the bedroom block, was thermally evaluated through a thermal exchange analysis and design improvements were proposed to achieve, in said block, a zone of adequate comfort for its users; obtaining a thermal balance equal to zero, for which the desired result was achieved, preventing the heat gained from being lost and consequently, the proposal of the construction materials being correct.
This architectural project was achieved following a methodology applied according to the needs of future users and in accordance with the regulatory provisions of the case. It began with the collection of information from the area, awareness of the problems of women in situations of violence, analysis and synthesis of the information collected and the definition of architectural design criteria. Then, the graphic documentation (plans) required for the shelter was developed. The development of the design was made respecting the regulations corresponding to the National Building Regulations and the guidelines for the care and operation of temporary shelter homes issued by the MIMP. As part of the architectural design process, the most sensitive part of the infrastructure for the users, the bedroom block, was thermally evaluated through a thermal exchange analysis and design improvements were proposed to achieve, in said block, a zone of adequate comfort for its users; obtaining a thermal balance equal to zero, for which the desired result was achieved, preventing the heat gained from being lost and consequently, the proposal of the construction materials being correct.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Ordenamiento Territorial y Construcción
Diseño arquitectónico
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