Caracterización morfológica y control químico de Sclerotium cepivorum aislado de ajo (Allium sativum) ‘Napurí’ procedente de tres regiones del Perú
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Anculle Arenas, Lázaro Alberto
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Sclerotium cepivorum, en ajo en el Perú, puede causar severos daños. La información sobre su morfología y la eficiencia de control con fungicidas, es escasa. El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la morfología de aislamientos de S. cepivorum de ocho distritos de las regiones: Arequipa (La Joya, Sachaca, Polobaya, Yarabamba, Sabandía y Majes), Junín (Chongos Bajo) y Ayacucho (San Pedro). Además, determinar la eficiencia de fungicidas, para el aislamiento de La Joya (Arequipa). Los aislamientos y extracción de ADN (cebadores universales para la región ITS), se efectuaron en la Clínica de Diagnosis en Fitopatología y Nematología de la UNALM (mayo-junio 2022) y la secuenciación en Macrogen (Corea) y para el análisis molecular se construyó un árbol filogenético. La morfología y la eficiencia de fungicidas in vitro se evaluó en el Laboratorio de Investigación en Fitopatología de la UNSA. La eficiencia en campo (abril septiembre 2021), se evaluó en una plantación de ajo ‘Napurí’ (cuatro esclerotes kg-1 suelo) (La Joya, Arequipa), con dosis y formulaciones comerciales de fluopyram+tebuconazole, boscalid, fludioxonil, penthiopyrad, fluopyram, tebuconazole y polyoxin B; aplicados después de la plantación (SDP) y con presencia de síntomas (APS), más un testigo sin fungicida; en un diseño de bloques completos al azar (15 tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones). En los ocho distritos se aisló S. cepivorum con micelio (crecimiento) y esclerotes (tamaño, forma y color), característicos y con poca diferencia entre los aislamientos. El análisis molecular mostró que los aislamientos corresponden a Sclerotium cepivorum. Seis fungicidas fueron eficientes (rendimientos sin diferencias significativas), en especial aplicados SDP. Polybio fue inefectivo. Se concluye que los ocho aislamientos de ajo tienen pocas diferencias morfológicas y corresponden a Sclerotium cepivorum; que hay fungicidas eficientes para su control y que el hongo puede provocar reducción del rendimiento e ingresos.
Sclerotium cepivorum, in garlic in Peru, can cause severe damage. Information about its morphology and the efficiency of control with fungicides is scarce. The objective of the research was to determine the morphology of S. cepivorum isolates from eight districts of the regions: Arequipa (La Joya, Sachaca, Polobaya, Yarabamba, Sabandía and Majes), Junín (Chongos Bajo) and Ayacucho (San Pedro). Additionally, determine the efficiency of fungicides for the isolation of La Joya (Arequipa). The isolations and DNA extraction (universal primers for the ITS region) were carried out at the UNALM Diagnosis Clinic in Phytopathology and Nematology (May-June 2022) and the sequencing at Macrogen (Korea) and for molecular analysis it was constructed a phylogenetic tree. The morphology and efficiency of fungicides in vitro was evaluated at the UNSA Phytopathology Research Laboratory. Field efficiency (April-September 2021) was evaluated in a 'Napurí' garlic plantation (four sclerotes kg-1 soil) (La Joya, Arequipa), with doses and commercial formulations of fluopyram+tebuconazole, boscalid, fludioxonil, penthiopyrad, fluopyram, tebuconazole and polyoxin B; applied after planting (SDP) and with the presence of symptoms (APS), plus a control without fungicide; in a randomized complete block design (15 treatments and four repetitions). In the eight districts, S. cepivorum was isolated with characteristic mycelium (growth) and sclerotes (size, shape and color) and with little difference between the isolates. Molecular analysis showed that the isolates correspond to Sclerotium cepivorum. Six fungicides were efficient (yields without significant differences), especially when SDP was applied. Polybio was ineffective. It is concluded that the eight garlic isolates have few morphological differences and correspond to Sclerotium cepivorum; and that there are efficient fungicides to control it and that the fungus can cause a reduction in yield and income.
Sclerotium cepivorum, in garlic in Peru, can cause severe damage. Information about its morphology and the efficiency of control with fungicides is scarce. The objective of the research was to determine the morphology of S. cepivorum isolates from eight districts of the regions: Arequipa (La Joya, Sachaca, Polobaya, Yarabamba, Sabandía and Majes), Junín (Chongos Bajo) and Ayacucho (San Pedro). Additionally, determine the efficiency of fungicides for the isolation of La Joya (Arequipa). The isolations and DNA extraction (universal primers for the ITS region) were carried out at the UNALM Diagnosis Clinic in Phytopathology and Nematology (May-June 2022) and the sequencing at Macrogen (Korea) and for molecular analysis it was constructed a phylogenetic tree. The morphology and efficiency of fungicides in vitro was evaluated at the UNSA Phytopathology Research Laboratory. Field efficiency (April-September 2021) was evaluated in a 'Napurí' garlic plantation (four sclerotes kg-1 soil) (La Joya, Arequipa), with doses and commercial formulations of fluopyram+tebuconazole, boscalid, fludioxonil, penthiopyrad, fluopyram, tebuconazole and polyoxin B; applied after planting (SDP) and with the presence of symptoms (APS), plus a control without fungicide; in a randomized complete block design (15 treatments and four repetitions). In the eight districts, S. cepivorum was isolated with characteristic mycelium (growth) and sclerotes (size, shape and color) and with little difference between the isolates. Molecular analysis showed that the isolates correspond to Sclerotium cepivorum. Six fungicides were efficient (yields without significant differences), especially when SDP was applied. Polybio was ineffective. It is concluded that the eight garlic isolates have few morphological differences and correspond to Sclerotium cepivorum; and that there are efficient fungicides to control it and that the fungus can cause a reduction in yield and income.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Fitopatología
Ajo; Allium sativum; Control químico; Cultivo hongos; Infestación; Perú; Sclerotium cepivorum
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