Mustia hilachosa del frijol Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank) Donk en la provincia de Coronel Portillo, departamento de Ucayali
Sánchez Marticorena, Eliel
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Se realizó un estudio de la presencia del estado perfecto de Rhizoctonia solani en las áreas productoras de frijol de la provincia de Coronel Portillo, región de Ucayali. Al mismo tiempo, se evaluó la resistencia al hongo en cultivares de frijol introducidos del CIAT-Colombia. Los aislamientos se realizaron en el laboratorio de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina y el invernadero de la Universidad Nacional de Ucayali. Los resultados del estudio, mostraron que el hongo se encuentra distribuido en todas las áreas estudiadas; con una incidencia promedio de 9 y 38%. Los cuatro aislamientos de Thanatephorus cucumeris, obtenidos de las áreas de estudio, mostraron diferencias en sus características culturales. Los esclerocios producidos en el medio de cultivo difieren marcadamente de los formados en la planta de frijol; así, en el medio de cultivo los esclerocios alcanzaron un tamaño de 1-5 mm, distribuidos individualmente en la placa o formando agregados de 1 a 2 cm de diámetro; mientras que los producidos en los tejidos infectados tenían formas redondas o elípticas cuyo tamaño oscilaba entre 0.5-1.0 mm de diámetro. Los 4 aislamientos obtenidos de Pucallpa, se desarrollaron en un rango de 25 a 30 ° C, pero dejaron de crecer por encima de este nivel. Con respecto a la patogenicidad, tanto en hojas como en raíces e hipocótilos, el aislamiento 3 obtenido de Pucalpillo fue más patógeno a nivel de raíz e hipocótilo; mientras que el aislamiento 5 fue el más patógeno del nivel foliar. Todos los aislamientos, se compararon con grupos de anastomosis disponibles en la biblioteca de UNA La Molina (GA-1, GA.2 y GA-4). Se determinó que los aislamientos 3 y 5 corresponden al GA-4; mientras que 1 y 4 correspondieron a GA-1 Treinta y nueve cultivares tolerantes al frijol introducidos desde el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) fueron evaluados en el invernadero. Muchos mostraron poco desarrollo y quemaduras en los bordes de las hojas; otros, presentaron un alto índice de severidad; mientras que el cultivar MUS-3 no mostró síntomas de la enfermedad. Los cultivares MUS-18, DOR-364, BAT-1155 y BAT-1297, presentaron síntomas moderados de la enfermedad en el tejido. Cuando se inocularon en condiciones de invernadero con el aislado más patógeno a nivel de hoja, los cinco cultivares, introducidos de CIAT, MUS-18, MUS-3, BAT-1297, BAT-1155 y DOR-364, tuvieron las tasas de incidencia más bajas, (2,85, 3.42 y 6.38% respectivamente). Con respecto a la severidad, los cultivares MUS-3 y BAT-1297 mostraron las tasas de severidad más bajas (0.19 y 0.16% respectivamente). A nivel de campo, los cultivares seleccionados en el invernadero confirmaron sus cualidades: MUS-18 y MUS-3 con incidencias de 2.85 y 3.42 y severidad de 0.26 y 0.19 respectivamente, fueron considerados resistentes; mientras que los demás, como tolerantes; además, los dos cultivares con tasas de incidencia y severidad más bajas: MUS-3 y MUS-18, mostraron los rendimientos más altos de grano seco.
A survey for the presence of the perfect stage of Rhizoctonia solani was carried out in bean producing areas of the province of Coronel Portillo, Ucayali region. At the same time, it was looked for resistance to the fungus in bean cultivars introduced from CIAT-Colombia. Isolations were made in the laboratory of the National Agrarian University, La Molina and the greenhouse of the National University of Ucayali.The results of the survey showed that the fungus is distributed in all the surveyed areas; with a 9 and 38% average incidence. The four isolates of Thanatephorus cucumeris, obtained from the survey areas, showed differences in their cultural characteristics. The sclerotia produced in culture medium differed markedly from those formed on the bean plant; thus, in the culture medium the sclerotia reached a size of 1-5 mm, distributed individually on the plate or forming aggregates of 1 to 2 cm in diameter; whereas, those produced on the infected tissues had round or elliptical shapes whose size ranged between 0.5-1.0 mm in diameter.The 4 isolates obtained from Pucallpa, developed in a range of 25 to 30 ° C, but stopped growing above this level. Regarding pathogenicity, both in leaves and roots and hypocotyls, isolate 3 obtained from Pucalpillo were more pathogenic at the root and hypocotyl level; whereas, isolate 5 was the most pathogenic of the leaf level. All isolates were compared with anastomosis groups available in the UNA La Molina library (GA-1, GA.2 y GA-4). Isolates 3 and 5 were determined to correspond to the GA-4; whereas 1 and 4 corresponded to GA-1 Thirty-nine bean tolerant cultivars introduced from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) were evaluated in the greenhouse. Many showed little development and burns at the edges of the leaves; others, presented a high index of severity; while cultivar MUS-3 did not show symptoms of the disease. Cultivars MUS-18, DOR-364, BAT-1155 e BAT-1297, presented moderate symptoms of the disease on the tissue. When inoculating under greenhouse conditions with the most pathogenic isolate at leaf level, the five cultivars, introduced from CIAT, MUS-18, MUS-3, BAT-1297, BAT-1155 and DOR-364, had the lowest incidence rates, (2.85, 3.42, and 6.38% respectively). Regarding the severity, cultivars MUS-3 and BAT-1297 showed the lowest severity rates (0.19 and 0.16 % respectively). At the field level, the cultivars selected in the greenhouse confirmed their qualities: MUS-18 and MUS-3 with incidences of 2.85 and 3.42 and severity of 0.26 and 0.19 respectively, were considered resistant; while others, as tolerant; Also, the two cultivars with lower incidence and severity rates: MUS-3 and MUS-18, showed the highest yields of dry grain.
A survey for the presence of the perfect stage of Rhizoctonia solani was carried out in bean producing areas of the province of Coronel Portillo, Ucayali region. At the same time, it was looked for resistance to the fungus in bean cultivars introduced from CIAT-Colombia. Isolations were made in the laboratory of the National Agrarian University, La Molina and the greenhouse of the National University of Ucayali.The results of the survey showed that the fungus is distributed in all the surveyed areas; with a 9 and 38% average incidence. The four isolates of Thanatephorus cucumeris, obtained from the survey areas, showed differences in their cultural characteristics. The sclerotia produced in culture medium differed markedly from those formed on the bean plant; thus, in the culture medium the sclerotia reached a size of 1-5 mm, distributed individually on the plate or forming aggregates of 1 to 2 cm in diameter; whereas, those produced on the infected tissues had round or elliptical shapes whose size ranged between 0.5-1.0 mm in diameter.The 4 isolates obtained from Pucallpa, developed in a range of 25 to 30 ° C, but stopped growing above this level. Regarding pathogenicity, both in leaves and roots and hypocotyls, isolate 3 obtained from Pucalpillo were more pathogenic at the root and hypocotyl level; whereas, isolate 5 was the most pathogenic of the leaf level. All isolates were compared with anastomosis groups available in the UNA La Molina library (GA-1, GA.2 y GA-4). Isolates 3 and 5 were determined to correspond to the GA-4; whereas 1 and 4 corresponded to GA-1 Thirty-nine bean tolerant cultivars introduced from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) were evaluated in the greenhouse. Many showed little development and burns at the edges of the leaves; others, presented a high index of severity; while cultivar MUS-3 did not show symptoms of the disease. Cultivars MUS-18, DOR-364, BAT-1155 e BAT-1297, presented moderate symptoms of the disease on the tissue. When inoculating under greenhouse conditions with the most pathogenic isolate at leaf level, the five cultivars, introduced from CIAT, MUS-18, MUS-3, BAT-1297, BAT-1155 and DOR-364, had the lowest incidence rates, (2.85, 3.42, and 6.38% respectively). Regarding the severity, cultivars MUS-3 and BAT-1297 showed the lowest severity rates (0.19 and 0.16 % respectively). At the field level, the cultivars selected in the greenhouse confirmed their qualities: MUS-18 and MUS-3 with incidences of 2.85 and 3.42 and severity of 0.26 and 0.19 respectively, were considered resistant; while others, as tolerant; Also, the two cultivars with lower incidence and severity rates: MUS-3 and MUS-18, showed the highest yields of dry grain.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Fitopatología
Phaseolus Vulgaris; Variedades; Thanatephorus Cucumeris; Enfermedades fungosas; Enfermedades de las plantas; Experimentación; Invernaderos; Experimentación en campo; Evaluación; Perú; Frijol ucayalino; Mustia hilachosa; Coronel Portillo (prov); Ucayali (dpto)
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