Parametros productivos y reproductivos de vacunos criollos del CIP – Chuquibambilla (1988 – 2013)
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Ormachea Sánchez, Huziel Héctor
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El presente trabajo fue realizado en el Centro de Investigación y Producción Chuquibambilla de la Facultad deMedicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano - UNA Puno, se utilizaron datos productivos y reproductivos registrados de 1687 animales, del año 1989 al 2013. La información fue analizada mediante el diseño completamente al azar (DCA) considerando los efectos año y sexo, los que fueron interpretados utilizando medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. Como producto del análisis y evaluación se obtuvo los siguientes valores de los parámetros reproductivos: edad al primer parto de 32.29 ± 6.51 meses, con coeficiente de variabilidad de 20.16 por ciento; intervalo entre partos de 14.6 ± 3.44 meses, con coeficiente de variabilidad de 23.58 por ciento; natalidad de 89.87 por ciento. Respecto a los parámetros productivos, se obtuvo los siguientes valores: peso al nacimiento de 23.63 ± 4.68 kg, con coeficiente de variabilidad de 19.79 por ciento; peso al destete de 125.06 ± 22.71 kg, con coeficiente de variabilidad de 18.16 por ciento; peso al año de 162.90 ± 32.66 kg, con coeficiente de variabilidad de 20.05 por ciento; peso a la venta de 260.30 ± 96.52 kg, con coeficiente de variabilidad de 37.08 por ciento; mortalidad de 4.35 por ciento; el nivel de saca de 22.59 por ciento; producción diaria de leche de 1.83 ± 0.50 Kg/vaca/día, con coeficiente de variabilidad de 27.55 por ciento; producción de leche por campaña de 339.7 ± 123.50 Kg/vaca/campaña, con coeficiente de variabilidad de 36.40 por ciento; con una duración de campaña de 184.9 días.
The research work was carried out in the Chuquibambilla Research and Production Center of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the National University of the Altiplano - UNA PUNO, the data recorded during the years 1989 to 2013 were used. The information was analyzed by means of DCA considering the effect year and sex and was interpreted using measures of central tendency and dispersion. The results of reproductive parameters such as age at first calving were 35.17 ± 11.76 months with coefficient of variability of 33.45%; The interval between births was 499.62 ± 216.04 days with a coefficient of variability of 43.24%; Delivery interval - conception was 220.02 ± 216.04 days. While the productive parameters such as the weight at birth was 23.63 ± 4.68 kg, with coefficient of variability of 19.79%; the weaning weight was 125 ± 37.07 kg, with a variability coefficient of 29.46%; weight on sale was 260.30 ± 96.52 kg, with coefficient of variability of 37.08%; mortality was 4.35%; the percentage of takeoff was 22.59%; and the birth rate was 89.87%. On the other hand, the daily average milk production was 1.83 ± 0.50 kg and 339.7 kg per campaign with an average duration of 184.9 days.
The research work was carried out in the Chuquibambilla Research and Production Center of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the National University of the Altiplano - UNA PUNO, the data recorded during the years 1989 to 2013 were used. The information was analyzed by means of DCA considering the effect year and sex and was interpreted using measures of central tendency and dispersion. The results of reproductive parameters such as age at first calving were 35.17 ± 11.76 months with coefficient of variability of 33.45%; The interval between births was 499.62 ± 216.04 days with a coefficient of variability of 43.24%; Delivery interval - conception was 220.02 ± 216.04 days. While the productive parameters such as the weight at birth was 23.63 ± 4.68 kg, with coefficient of variability of 19.79%; the weaning weight was 125 ± 37.07 kg, with a variability coefficient of 29.46%; weight on sale was 260.30 ± 96.52 kg, with coefficient of variability of 37.08%; mortality was 4.35%; the percentage of takeoff was 22.59%; and the birth rate was 89.87%. On the other hand, the daily average milk production was 1.83 ± 0.50 kg and 339.7 kg per campaign with an average duration of 184.9 days.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Animal
Parámetros productivos
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