Mejoramiento de infraestructura hidráulica para la regulación hídrica del ecosistema de la microcuenca Huitama en la provincia de Huarochirí, Lima
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García Antúnez, Fredy Gabriel
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El cambio climático representa uno de los factores que podría amenazar la regulación hídrica en nuestro país. Este fenómeno conlleva la posibilidad de que en el futuro se reduzca la disponibilidad del agua, como consecuencia del aumento de temperaturas que generaría una mayor evaporación de agua en fuentes naturales, disminución de las precipitaciones, mayor intensidad de sequías e inundaciones, entre otros impactos. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo fue desarrollar el mejoramiento de la infraestructura hidráulica existente en la microcuenca Huitama, como el redimensionamiento del aliviadero de demasías ubicado en la laguna Huitama, la recuperación de la infraestructura ancestral del canal amunero y diques de protección en zonas con presencia de cárcavas, debido a que éstas se encontraban con deficiencias para una buena operación. Por ello, con la finalidad de satisfacer las necesidades de agua del ecosistema existente, como los bofedales y cobertura vegetal que tienen la función de almacenamiento de agua, se abordó en primer lugar la infraestructura hidráulica existente, enfocándose en su mejoría y optimización.
Climate change represents one of the factors that could threaten water regulation in our country. This phenomenon entails the possibility that water's availability will be reduced in the future therefore the temperature's increase will generate factors such as greater evaporation of water in natural sources, decreased precipitation, greater intensity of droughts and floods, among other impacts. The main objective of this work was to develop the improvement of the existing hydraulic infrastructure in the Huitama micro-basin, such as the resizing of the spillway located in the Huitama lagoon, the recovery of the ancestral infrastructure of the ammunero canal and protection dikes in areas with the presence of gullies, because they had deficiencies for a good operation. Therefore, in order to satisfy the water needs of the existing ecosystem, such as the wetlands and vegetation cover that have the function of water storage, the existing hydraulic infrastructure was addressed first, focusing on its improvement and optimization.
Climate change represents one of the factors that could threaten water regulation in our country. This phenomenon entails the possibility that water's availability will be reduced in the future therefore the temperature's increase will generate factors such as greater evaporation of water in natural sources, decreased precipitation, greater intensity of droughts and floods, among other impacts. The main objective of this work was to develop the improvement of the existing hydraulic infrastructure in the Huitama micro-basin, such as the resizing of the spillway located in the Huitama lagoon, the recovery of the ancestral infrastructure of the ammunero canal and protection dikes in areas with the presence of gullies, because they had deficiencies for a good operation. Therefore, in order to satisfy the water needs of the existing ecosystem, such as the wetlands and vegetation cover that have the function of water storage, the existing hydraulic infrastructure was addressed first, focusing on its improvement and optimization.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Ordenamiento Territorial y Construcción
Microcuenca; Infraestructura; Sistema hidráulico; Abastecimiento de agua; Disponibilidad del agua; Efectos del cambio climático; Perú; Cuenca huitama
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