Estrategias nutricionales para mejorar la economía de la alimentación en gallinas ponedoras
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Espinoza Diego, Juan Carlos
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El costo por kilo de alimento balanceado se ha incrementado durante el año 2022, representando ello una menor rentabilidad para las empresas avícolas, por este motivo, implementar estrategias nutricionales que reduzcan el costo de la dieta y mejoren la respuesta productiva permitirá ser eficientes y mejorar la economía de la alimentación. En tal sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar diferentes niveles de lisina al inicio de postura y la suplementación con proteasa exógena después del pico de postura en gallinas ponedoras sobre sus parámetros productivos. La evaluación fue llevada a cabo en las instalaciones de la empresa "Avícola Lescano". Aves de la genética Hisex de 21 a 27 semanas de edad fueron alimentadas con dietas isocalóricas con diferentes niveles de lisina (0.75, 0.79, 0.83 y 0.90 por ciento). Por otro lado, aves de 44 a 48 semanas de edad recibieron dietas suplementadas con dos proteasas comerciales al 70 y 80 por ciento de su valor de matriz de nutrientes. El nivel de lisina al 0.90 por ciento incrementó significativamente (P< 0.05) la producción, peso y masa de huevo, así como la conversión alimenticia. Para ambas estrategias, se observó una retribución económica superior en relación a la dieta control.
The cost per kilo of balanced feed has increased during the months of the year 2022, this represents a lower profitability for poultry companies. Therefore, implementing nutritional strategies that reduce the cost of the diet and improve the productive response will make it possible to be efficient and improve the economics of feeding. In this sense, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of different levels of lysine at the beginning of lay and the supplementation with exogenous protease after the peak of lay on performance in laying hens. The evaluation was carried out in the facilities of the company "Avícola Lescano". Birds of the Hisex genetics from 21 to 27 weeks of age were fed isocaloric diets with different levels of digestible lysine (0.75, 0.79, 0.83 and 0.90 percent). On the other hand, birds 70 to 80 weeks of age received diets supplemented with two commercial proteases at 70 and 80 percent of their nutrient matrix value. The 0.90 percent lysine level significantly (P< 0.05) improved egg production, weight and mass, and feed conversion ratio. For both strategies, a higher economic gain was observed in relation to the control diet.
The cost per kilo of balanced feed has increased during the months of the year 2022, this represents a lower profitability for poultry companies. Therefore, implementing nutritional strategies that reduce the cost of the diet and improve the productive response will make it possible to be efficient and improve the economics of feeding. In this sense, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of different levels of lysine at the beginning of lay and the supplementation with exogenous protease after the peak of lay on performance in laying hens. The evaluation was carried out in the facilities of the company "Avícola Lescano". Birds of the Hisex genetics from 21 to 27 weeks of age were fed isocaloric diets with different levels of digestible lysine (0.75, 0.79, 0.83 and 0.90 percent). On the other hand, birds 70 to 80 weeks of age received diets supplemented with two commercial proteases at 70 and 80 percent of their nutrient matrix value. The 0.90 percent lysine level significantly (P< 0.05) improved egg production, weight and mass, and feed conversion ratio. For both strategies, a higher economic gain was observed in relation to the control diet.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Zootecnia. Departamento Académico de Nutrición
Aves de corral; Alimentyos para animales; Nutrición animal; Análisis de costos; Producción de animales
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