Efectividad de bacterias fijadoras de nitrógeno simbióticas en Stylosanthes guianensis de parcelas de recuperación de minería aurífera Madre de Dios
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Sierra Redhead, Cristian Richard
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Los bosques de Madre de Dios enfrentan una grave amenaza debido a la minería aluvial de oro, que ha causado deforestación y degradación de los ecosistemas. Este estudio se centra en la capacidad de nodulación de bacterias simbióticas fijadoras de nitrógeno asociadas a la planta Stylosanthes guianensis en áreas degradadas por la minería aurífera. Los objetivos principales fueron caracterizar las cepas bacterianas, evaluar su capacidad de nodulación y analizar su influencia en el crecimiento de la planta en un sustrato minero bajo condiciones de invernadero. Los resultados revelaron la presencia de bacterias fijadoras de nitrógeno con características morfológicas compatibles con los géneros Bradyrhizobium y Rhizobium en los nódulos de Stylosanthes guianensis. Las bacterias aisladas en laboratorio e inoculadas en condiciones controladas mostraron un impacto significativo en el desarrollo de Stylosanthes guianensis, promoviendo el crecimiento y la formación de nódulos efectivos en todas las condiciones evaluadas (50 y 75dds), en comparación con los tratamientos control. Además, se encontró que las cepas provenientes de San Jacinto presentaron un rendimiento superior a las extraídas de Huantupa, lo que sugiere que las poblaciones bacterianas asociadas a instalaciones más antiguas de Stylosanthes guianensis podrían estar mejor adaptadas a condiciones de minería aurífera, caracterizadas por tener suelos arenosos, baja disponibilidad de nutrientes, pH ácido y un bajo contenido de materia orgánica. Este estudio destaca la importancia de continuar investigando las especies involucradas en la fijación biológica de nitrógeno y de identificar los inoculantes más efectivos para mejorar el rendimiento forrajero de Stylosanthes guianensis en el menor tiempo posible..
The forests of Madre de Dios face a serious threat due to alluvial gold mining, which has caused deforestation and ecosystem degradation. This study focuses on the nodulation capacity of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with the plant Stylosanthes guianensis in areas degraded by gold mining. The main objectives were to characterize the bacterial strains, evaluate their nodulation capacity and analyze their influence on plant growth in a mining substrate under greenhouse conditions. The results revealed the presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria with morphological characteristics compatible with the genera Bradyrhizobium and Rhizobium in the nodules of Stylosanthes guianensis. Bacteria isolated in the laboratory and inoculated under controlled conditions showed a significant impact on the development of Stylosanthes guianensis, promoting growth and the formation of effective nodules in all conditions evaluated (50 and 75dds), compared to control treatments. In addition, it was found that strains from San Jacinto showed a higher yield than those extracted from Huantupa, suggesting that bacterial populations associated with older Stylosanthes guianensis installations may be better adapted to gold mining conditions, characterized by sandy soils, low nutrient availability, acid pH and low organic matter content. This study highlights the importance of continuing to investigate the species involved in biological nitrogen fixation and identifying the most effective inoculants to improve the forage performance of Stylosanthes guianensis in the shortest possible time.
The forests of Madre de Dios face a serious threat due to alluvial gold mining, which has caused deforestation and ecosystem degradation. This study focuses on the nodulation capacity of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with the plant Stylosanthes guianensis in areas degraded by gold mining. The main objectives were to characterize the bacterial strains, evaluate their nodulation capacity and analyze their influence on plant growth in a mining substrate under greenhouse conditions. The results revealed the presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria with morphological characteristics compatible with the genera Bradyrhizobium and Rhizobium in the nodules of Stylosanthes guianensis. Bacteria isolated in the laboratory and inoculated under controlled conditions showed a significant impact on the development of Stylosanthes guianensis, promoting growth and the formation of effective nodules in all conditions evaluated (50 and 75dds), compared to control treatments. In addition, it was found that strains from San Jacinto showed a higher yield than those extracted from Huantupa, suggesting that bacterial populations associated with older Stylosanthes guianensis installations may be better adapted to gold mining conditions, characterized by sandy soils, low nutrient availability, acid pH and low organic matter content. This study highlights the importance of continuing to investigate the species involved in biological nitrogen fixation and identifying the most effective inoculants to improve the forage performance of Stylosanthes guianensis in the shortest possible time.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Suelos
Calidad del suelo; Fijación de nitrógeno; Crecimiento vegetal
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