Caracterización y adopción de prácticas agroecológicas de los pequeños horticultores de Carabayllo y Pachacamac en Lima
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Siura Céspedes, Saray
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Los pequeños agricultores representan el 70% de las fincas agrícolas del mundo, el 81.3 % en América Latina y, en el Perú, el 97% de las unidades productivas. En este trabajo se identificó y caracterizó a un grupo de horticultores periurbanos de los distritos de Carabayllo y Pachacamac, ubicados en la interfaz urbano-rural de los valles de Chillón y Lurín en Lima, con una muestra de 92 productores participantes de programas de capacitación agroecológica. Se aplicó una encuesta en campo y entrevistas semi estructuradas con agricultores clave, utilizando un enfoque mixto y muestreo selectivo no probabilístico. Se evaluaron variables no paramétricas de X2 y de sustentabilidad; se hizo una correlación simple y múltiple, para encontrar la asociación de variables en forma individual o agrupada, con un criterio multidimensional considerando índices de adopción tecnológica (IA), desempeño social (IS) y económico (IE). No se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticas significativas entre las zonas de estudio, pero menores niveles de dispersión se obtuvieron con IE tanto en Carabayllo como Pachacamac. Las correlaciones policoras mostraron que el ÍA tiene una relación negativa pero significativa con IS, pero positiva y significativa con IE. No se encontró asociación entre el IA y la pertenencia a un distrito. Los horticultores periurbanos de Carabayllo y Pachacamac han mostrado una gran resiliencia frente a eventos disruptivos como el COVID 19, adoptando prácticas agroecológicas. Se plantea el desafío de contar con los pequeños productores como nuestros aliados en la alimentación local y en la conservación de las áreas verdes de la ciudad.
Small holder farmers are 70% of the agricultural farms in the world, 81.3% in Latin America and, in Peru, 97% of the productive units. In this work, a group of peri-urban horticulturists from the districts of Carabayllo and Pachacamac, located in the urban-rural interface of the Chillón and Lurín valleys in Lima, were identified and characterized with a sample of 92 producers participating in agroecological training programs. A field survey and semi-structured interviews with key farmers were applied, using a mixed approach and selective non-probabilistic sampling. Non-parametric variables of X2 and sustainability were evaluated. A simple and multiple correlation was made to find the association of variables individually or grouped, with a multidimensional criterion considering indices of technological adoption (AI), social performance (IS) and economic performance (IE). No significant statistical differences were obtained between the study areas, but lower levels of dispersion were obtained with IE in both Carabayllo and Pachacamac. Polychoral correlations showed that ÍA has a negative but significant relationship with IS, but a positive and significant relationship with EI. No association was found between IA and membership in a district. The peri-urban horticulturists of Carabayllo and Pachacamac have shown great resilience in the face of disruptive events such as COVID 19, adopting agroecological practices. The challenge arises of having small holder farmers as our allies in local food and the conservation of the city's green areas
Small holder farmers are 70% of the agricultural farms in the world, 81.3% in Latin America and, in Peru, 97% of the productive units. In this work, a group of peri-urban horticulturists from the districts of Carabayllo and Pachacamac, located in the urban-rural interface of the Chillón and Lurín valleys in Lima, were identified and characterized with a sample of 92 producers participating in agroecological training programs. A field survey and semi-structured interviews with key farmers were applied, using a mixed approach and selective non-probabilistic sampling. Non-parametric variables of X2 and sustainability were evaluated. A simple and multiple correlation was made to find the association of variables individually or grouped, with a multidimensional criterion considering indices of technological adoption (AI), social performance (IS) and economic performance (IE). No significant statistical differences were obtained between the study areas, but lower levels of dispersion were obtained with IE in both Carabayllo and Pachacamac. Polychoral correlations showed that ÍA has a negative but significant relationship with IS, but a positive and significant relationship with EI. No association was found between IA and membership in a district. The peri-urban horticulturists of Carabayllo and Pachacamac have shown great resilience in the face of disruptive events such as COVID 19, adopting agroecological practices. The challenge arises of having small holder farmers as our allies in local food and the conservation of the city's green areas
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción y Extensión Agrícola
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